Why are some iterations in my Data List gray?

Iterations turn gray when data from multiple iterations are being displayed simultaneously in the layout.

This could be:

  • on Plots
  • in an Internal Spreadsheet
  • in a Batch Action

Expand the sections below for examples of gray iterations and how to resolve the issues:

If you did not intend to display data from multiple iterations simultaneously, check your plots, spreadsheets, batch actions and text boxes.

  • When you find a data file from a non-current iteration being displayed on a plot or in the form of a token (e.g. statistic or keyword):
    • delete the associated plot, spreadsheet cell, overlay, or token
    • or set the item to display the desired data file in the current iteration.


If you do wish to display multiple files simultaneously, there are a few tricks for avoiding gray iterations

  • Uncheck Change data file during Next/Prev/Batch
    • on plot overlays (as shown in Example 2)
    • on statistics (as shown in Example 3)
  • Use the panels tool


To learn more about iterations, please see the recorded webinar about Iteration Management and Batch Processing (found on this page).

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