How do I work with images from the Thermo Scientific Attune CytPix?

Working with data from Attune CytPix in FCS Express

De Novo Software and Thermo Fisher Scientific have collaborated to allow working with raw data AND images from the Attune CytPix instrument in FCS Express. FCS Express is directly compatible with data exported from Thermo Fisher Scientific Attune Cytometric Software (version 6 and later), via .ACS file and .FCS file formats where .ACS files allow access to the imaging component of the data sets. Both .ACS and .FCS file formats allow working with additional extended parameters defined by the the Attune Cytometry Software based on images.

Your multi parameter flow and imaging data can now be easily exported to the .ACS format and analyzed in FCS Express while expanded upon using all of the tools and features FCS Express has to offer. See the Export Instructions below to learn how easy it is to export your .ACS and .FCS files for use in FCS Express.

The Attune Cytometric Software allows you to export either,

  • FCS files for standard numeric only analysis, or
  • FCS and Image Data for analysis of standard numeric data linked to individual images.

To Export your data from the Attune Cytometric Software to allow working with raw data and images in the .ACS format:

  1. Right click on either the experiment (to export ACS for all samples) or a single sample.
  2. Choose the option FCS and Image Data.

Note the circle with the check-mark next to the samples in the image at right. The icon indicates files have been processed in the software and have generated 26 image-based  "extended parameters". Users may choose to export data with or without the extended parameters in the next steps. 

  1. Before naming the file and clicking Save, check or uncheck the Extend FCS File check box to choose to save data with the extended parameters (examples below).
  2. Name the file, and then choose Save.


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