Can I create an output file that contains the same plot from each data file on a single page?

Side by side comparisons of a plot across multiple samples is a useful analysis tool.  This can be accomplished in FCS Express by utilizing the powerful Batch Processing function.

By modifying settings for the batch action Save to PowerPoint or Save to PDF, you can automate the process to create an output file that contains the same plot for each data file on a single page.

How to Batch Export Data files to a Single Page Tiled Format in Powerpoint

*Please note that tiling can also be performed with a Save to PDF action, using a similar set of instructions as seen below.

1. While establishing the data analysis strategy in the layout, create a separate page for the plot of interest.
2. To set up the batch process, click on the Batch tab and select Batch Actions.
3. Select Save To PowerPoint from the Add Action section of the Batch Actions window.
4. Export To PowerPoint will then be listed under Batch Process Actions.
The Export To PowerPoint action can be customized to export a specified plot containing data from each file in the Data List onto a single page without page breaks in the Create Export To PowerPoint Action window.
5. In the Export Options, select Custom Grid from the drop down menu next to Mode.

Click on the next to the Custom Grid dropdown menu to designate the rows and columns for the tiled image in PowerPoint.

Select the option to Crop To Content.

Customize_ Powerpoint Actions
6. Select the appropriate page containing the plot of interest in the Page Range section.  This should be the page created in Step 1.

*Note: The other options All pages and Current page can be selected if appropriate for your analysis.

7. Beneath Iteration options, select the radio button for Combine the output from all iterations into a single file, without page break.
8. Click on the folder icon to designate the desired location and name for the PowerPoint to be saved under Output file options.

*Note: To append to an existing PowerPoint presentation select the appropriate options under Append Options and browse to the PowerPoint file to which you will be appending to select it.

9. Click OK.
10.  Select Run from the Batch Processing section on the Batch tab. Run Batch


Next How can I export my spectral data files from FCS Express with unmixing applied?