Why have percentages reported by quadrants changed after updating to FCS Express version 7.20.0020?

In FCS Express version 7.20.0020 and later, quadrants are converted to gates by default. The reasons for a possible change in reported percentages  are:

  • Quadrants no longer have a concept of out of range values.
  • An event may be placed in a different quadrant than before.

1. Quadrants no longer have a concept of out of range values.

Previously, FCS Express had an option for indicating if out of range events were included in quadrant calculations. Events are "out of range" if they are outside the Resolution Minimum and Resolution Maximum. In version 7.20.0020 and later, the quadrant borders extend from the centerpoint to infinity and all events are included in a quadrant. If out of range events were excluded from quadrants in version, 7.18.0025 and earlier, and the same layout is opened in 7.20.0020 and later, you may notice a change in the reported percentage within quadrants. Consider the example below:

In FCS Express version 7.18.0025, in the Specific Options category of a plot's formatting menu, the option Include out of range values in quads was unchecked, and a Resolution Minimum and Resolution Maximum were specified. The percentage of events in each quadrant is shown below. When the layout is saved and opened in version 7.20.0020 or later, the quadrants automatically include out of range values. For this reason, the reported percentage of events in each quadrant is different than in Figure 1. Notice in Figure 2 below that the sum of the values is 100% while in Figure 1 the sum is 42.74.

Figure 1

Figure 2

If out of range values were included in quadrants before updating to version 7.20.0020 and later, you may notice a slight difference in the reported quadrant statistics. The way those events have been assigned to a quadrant have been changed to be more accurate, as described below.

2. An event may be placed in a different quadrant than before.

This primarily affects events that are located along the border lines of the quadrants. Now that quadrants are gates in version 7.20.0020 and later, the events along the quadrant borders are assigned to individual quadrants in a different way. Any difference in the reported quadrant statistics due to the new assignments is expected to be small.

Previous Why does the Quadrants Options window appear when I open an older layout in version 7.24?