How many user accounts can I create?
If you have the internet dongle, you may create an unlimited number of users, although the number of concurrent users is limited to the number of licenses you have purchased.
- Can I get more information regarding the Add-Ons that can be purchased with a license?
- Can I lock my template based on an electronic signature?
- Does FCS Express have any features to help meet 21 CFR Part 11 compliance?
- Does FCS Express have Quality Control features?
- Does FCS Express offer Single Sign On capability?
- How do I configure SQL Server to host a database for FCS Express?
- What database options are available when I purchase the Security option?
- What is the difference between the different types of Users that are available with a Security and Logging license?
- What is the difference between the Logging option and System Level Audit Trails?
- What SQL Server permissions are needed?
- Can I share my USB dongle or countercode license with another user?
- Can I track usage of the internet dongle?
- Can I try out the Internet Dongle before I make a purchase?
- Can the administrator log users out?
- Do you have to be connected to the internet at all times with the Internet dongle?
- How can users be added to an internet dongle license?
- How do I activate my dongle?
- How do I change my internet dongle/site license password?
- How many people can be logged in at the same time?
- How many user accounts can I create?
- If a user left the computer running can the user log themselves out from another computer?
- What are the differences between the internet dongle and network licensing options?
- What happens if I lose my internet connection?
- What happens if the user leaves the computer without logging out?
- What happens to the users login in case of an unexpected interruption? For instance, a software crash, power failure, etc.
- Why am I receiving a message that FCS Express cannot connect to De Novo Software servers?
- Show all articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Can I convert my Cytek license from the countercode licensing option to another licensing option?
- How can I claim my license purchased through BD Accuri Cytometers?
- How can I claim my license purchased through BD Biosciences?
- How can I claim my license purchased through Nexcelom Biosciences?
- How can I claim my license purchased through Sysmex-Partec GmbH?
- How can I claim the FCS Express license that came with my Cytek instrument purchase?
Layouts & Loading Data
- Are Beckman Coulter LMD files unique?
- Can I find a support resource page for the analysis of Cytek data in FCS Express?
- How can I easily create the "filename" column in the "ExtraKeywordsTable.csv" file?
- How can I load a Sony MA900 Index Sort file into FCS Express?
- How can I load data from the BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer?
- How can I load MACSQuantify files that were exported from MACSQuantify software version 3.0.1?
- How do I change the display in my plots from one data file to another data file?
- How do I export .ICE files from Thermo Cellomics HCS Studio?
- How do I tell FCS Express what plate size to use if that information is not included in the data file?
- How do I upload files to the De Novo Software FTP site?
- How do I use BD Accuri CFlow files with Multicycle DNA analysis in FCS Express?
- How do I work with images from the Thermo Scientific Attune CytPix?
- What is the Elapsed Time setting in the Gallios software and how do I convert it to real time?
- Why are iterations in my Data List gray?
- Why are there sometimes access violations when I save and load files?
- Why do I get the message that a data file exported from a FACSDiva™ Experiment is invalid?
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- How are existing quadrants handled when an old layout is opened in version 7.20 and later?
- How can I set quadrants to behave like conventional gates?
- How can I set quadrants to behave like in earlier versions?
- Quadrants in FCS Express versions 7.20 / 7.24 and later
- Why does the Quadrants Options window appear when I open an older layout in version 7.24?
- Why have percentages reported by quadrants changed after updating to FCS Express version 7.20.20?
Data Analysis
- Caveats when using Biexponential Scaling with automatic Below Zero parameter detection in the presence of outliers.
- How can I create a merged data with equally-sized downsampled samples?
- How can I do pre-processing for high-dimensional data analysis?
- How can I explore tSNE/UMAP plots?
- How do I use SPADE?
- What is FlowSOM?
- What is T-SNE?
- What is UMAP?
- Can FCS Express integrate Python scripts?
- Can I use the FlowAI script in FCS Express?
- Can I use the FlowClean R Script with FCS Express?
- How can I recreate ratiometric data acquired in FACSDiva?
- How do I use R Integration with FCS Express?
- How does FCS Express implement software compensation?
- If my data does not have a Time parameter, can I create one?
- What is compensation?
- What is the compensation workflow in FCS Express?
- When acquiring spectral data, should my single-stained controls be "as bright or brighter" than my fully-stained sample?
- Can a set of quadrants be both percentile and floating?
- Can I customize the display of my data from different instruments?
- Can I disable the live updating feature?
- How can I display all of my detectors for my Cytek data?
- How can I set FCS Express so my FCS 3.0 biexponential data looks the same as it did in the BD FACSDiva software?
- How do I display Summit data in FCS Express as it appears in the Summit Software?
- How do I fix the biexponential axes on a plot?
- How do I rescale CytoFLEX data so it displays as it did at acquisition?
- How do I update my density and contour plots created in Version 4 to use the newest color palette?
- What are resolution options?
- What is Biexponential and Hyperlog Scaling?
- What is the best way to set FCS Express to display FCS 3.0 data from FACSDiva on a 4 decade log scale?
- Where can I get more information regarding DNA analysis using the Multicycle AV?
- Why can’t I change my plot axis labels from the Name keyword to the Stain keyword?
- Why do I see a warning message when inserting a Spectrum Plot?
- Why do my dot plots appear sparse and blocky?
- Why is the text on the right most label cut off my plot?
- Show all articles ( 2 ) Collapse Articles
- Can I create an output file that contains the same plot from each data file on a single page?
- How can I export my spectral data files from FCS Express with unmixing applied?
- How can I successfully export a GatingML file?
- How do the batch processing run modes differ, and why would I use them?
- Why do I get an “Old format or invalid type library” error when using Microsoft excel during batch analysis?
- How are statistics in FCS Express calculated compared to how they are calculated in BD FACSDiva?
- How can I display my statistical data in Scientific Notation?
- How do I calculate EC/IC Anything?
- What is “Stain Index” and how do I calculate it with FCS Express?
- What is MFI (Mean or Median Fluorescence Intensity) and how do I calculate it in FCS Express?
- Why have percentages reported by quadrants changed after updating to FCS Express version 7.20.20?
- Why is the Geometric Mean being reported as NaN or ##ERROR##?
Image Cytometry
- How do I adjust the axes to display small particle data from Amnis CellStream?
- How do I choose which images and parameters to view in a Data Grid?
- How do I export/save data from IDEAS software and load it in FCS Express?
- How do I make my images in the data grid larger?
- How do I pseudo-color images in a data grid?
- How do I work with Amnis derived image cytometry data in FCS Express?
- Can I display heat maps with my Image Cytometry data?
- Can I work with data from PerkinElmer Instruments?
- Do you offer 21 CFR Part 11 compliance options for the Image Cytometry Version?
- Do you offer image segmentation or image analysis?
- How can Attune™ CytPix data sets with images (.ACS files) be merged for high dimensional analysis?
- How do I use CellProfiler Data with FCS Express?
- How do I use ImageJ with FCS Express?
- What file formats are compatible with FCS Express Image Cytometry?
- Where can I find Nexcelom Resources and Applications?
FCS Express on Mac
Upgrading FCS Express
- Can different versions of FCS Express exist on the same computer?
- How can I view and convert my V3 layouts to FCS Express 7?
- How do I import my version 3 security databases into newer versions of FCS Express?
- How do I update Density Plots created in Version 4?
- Is there an upgrade discount from earlier versions of FCS Express?
- Version 4 Internet Dongle Retirement
- Why are my density plots from V3 not displayed correctly in later versions?
- Why are there fewer outlier dots on my FCS Express 5 and later density plots than in V4?
Clinical & Validation Ready
- Can I get more information regarding the Add-Ons that can be purchased with a license?
- Can I lock my template based on an electronic signature?
- Does FCS Express have any features to help meet 21 CFR Part 11 compliance?
- What is the difference between the different types of Users that are available with a Security and Logging license?
- What is the difference between the Logging option and System Level Audit Trails?