Why does the "Quadrants Options" window appear when I open an older layout in version 7.24?

You will see this window when you use FCS Express version 7.24 and are opening a layout that was created in a version earlier than 7.20.0020.

Step 1: Pick a preset

This window allows you to customize your User Options for the desired quadrant behavior. We offer two presets based on customer feedback.

  • Select Preset 1 if: you prefer that quadrants behave like conventional gates
  • Select Preset 2 if: you prefer that quadrants behave more like they did in earlier versions of FCS Express.

Step 2 (optional): View the associated user options

To see how the selected preset affects the User Options, click View Current Options or Customize.

Step 3 (optional): Customize the Quadrant User Options

If you do not like the 2 presets and wish to individually toggle the User Options in this menu, select the radio button called Customize Quadrant Options (red arrow in the figure below).


Step 4: Decide if you want to see this window again

If you do not want this window to appear again, check the checkbox Do not show again (yellow arrow in the figure above).

Step 5: Click OK to apply these User Options

  • When you click OK, the selected User Options will be remembered in your account.
  • Those User Options will be used for all future new layouts.
  • If you chose to not show this window again in the future, these User Options will also be used when opening older layouts.
Previous Quadrants in FCS Express versions 7.20 / 7.24 and later
Next Why have percentages reported by quadrants changed after updating to FCS Express version 7.20.20?