How do I export .ICE files from Thermo Cellomics HCS Studio?

Working with data from HCS Studio in FCS Express

De Novo Software and Thermo Scientific have collaborated to make the import of results and images from Cellomics high content systems possible. FCS Express is directly compatible with data exported from Thermo Scientific HCS Studio™ 2.0 Cell Analysis Software through the .ICE file format. The collaboration is an ongoing process and capabilities are continuously growing. For examples please see our applications below and our white paper highlighting the use of FCS Express for analysis of Fucci Cell Cycle data acquired on the HCS Studio 2.0 platform.

HCS Studio allows users to quickly acquire imaging data for a variety of standard assays. Your multi parameter imaging data can now be easily exported to the .ICE (Image Cytometry Experiment) format and analyzed in FCS Express or expanded upon using all of the tools and features FCS Express has to offer. See the Export Instructions below to learn how easy it is to export your .ICE files for use in FCS Express.

Application Examples

By using the Thermo Scientific™ ArrayScan™ XTI High Content Analysis (HCA) Reader and Premo FUCCI cell cycle sensor, compounds affecting the cell cycle can be readily analyzed and reported with FCS Express.See for yourself by downloading the white paper or by using the free FCS Express ReaderFucci Analysis (345 mB).



tags: image cytometry

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