Advanced Graphing and Regression Analysis
Most researchers spend a lot of time exporting data to Excel or other spreadsheet software in order to make graphs to summarize data. With other software packages if the data changes, due to a change in gating strategy, one would have to re-export all data after updating the analysis and recreate the graphs. FCS Express has built-in Bar, Box and Whisker, Violin, Beeswarm, Levey Jennings, Pie, Scatter, and Scatter with Regression Plots, which update immediately based on integrated spreadsheets and tokens so as your gates and data change your final results in charts and graphs update immediately taking you from your raw data to final results in record time.
- Quickly create bar graphs by dragging-and-dropping gates or statistics to an empty bar plot or spreadsheet.
- Easily customize and format to your specifications for display or publication.
- Highlight bars if they match a user-defined range.
- Include error bars derived from data or custom calculations in spreadsheets.
- Bar charts update automatically and will change in response to moving gates and other changes to the data set.
- Quickly create Box and Whisker plots by dragging-and-dropping gates or statistics to an empty bar plot or spreadsheet.
- The Spreadsheet simply needs to contain Category and Value columns of data that may be directly linked to your data. Optional columns for Group and Color parameters may be included.
- A Box and Whisker Plot is a tool that allows the visualization of a mean or median (Box) and the spread of a data set (Whisker).
- Individual data points, box, and whiskers can be fully formatted to user specifications.
- Box and Whisker plots will update automatically in response to moving gates and other changes made to the data set.
Visualize quality control data to ensure test metrics are stable over time and fall within a predetermined range. The range, more commonly referred to as the control limits, allows the test metric to be assessed based on whether the values fall within the range or outside of the range. Values falling outside of the control limits are considered "out of control" and when occurring on consecutive measurements can indicate the accuracy of the test metric has shifted.
- Create Levey-Jennings plots by dragging-and-dropping gates or statistics to a Spreadsheet.
- Easily customize and format to your specifications for display or publication (e.g., display date or days from start on X-axis, as desirec).
- Levey-Jennings plots update automatically and will change in response to moving gates and other changes to the data set.
- Create Violin Plots by dragging and dropping statistics or gates to a Spreadsheet.
- Plot colors can be formatted to user specifications.
- When the Split Color parameter is specified, the "Color Parameter" will be an available option in the color drop-down menu of the Shapes→Second Violin section
- Violin plots will update automatically in response to moving gates and other changes made to the data set.
- Create Beeswarm plots by dragging and dropping statistics or gates to a Spreadsheet.
- Plot colors can be formatted to user specifications.
- Beeswarm plots are a convenient way to see all your data points represented visually.
- Beeswarm plots will update automatically in response to moving gates and other changes made to the data set.
- Create pie charts by dragging-and dropping gates or statistics to an empty pie plot or spreadsheet.
- Customize chart colors, legends, and more to user specifications for display or publication.
- Emphasize pie slices by exploding away from the pie if they match user-defined criteria.
- Expand charts for extra datasets by displaying a pie ring at the periphery of the pie.
- Update immediately by using spreadsheet and tokens, the plot will update in response to changes in gates, formulas, and other information.
- Build Scatter Plots rapidly by dragging-and-dropping or insert tokens into a spreadsheet and perform calculations for the graph.
- Easy format to user specifications for display or publication.
- Points may be highlighted if they match user-defined criteria.
- Live updating error/weight bars may be displayed based on any user-defined values or calculations in spreadsheets.
- Automatic updating when using data derived values. Data points on the plot will update in response to changes in gates, formulas, and other information.
- Plot Date and Time data along the axes for easy visualization and comparison of time-series analyses.
- Versatile Scatter with Regression Plots fit raw data or custom values from spreadsheets with nearly 20 different regression curves models.
- Customizable to user specifications for display or publication.
- Quickly highlight points if they match user-defined criteria.
- Live updating error/weight bars may be displayed based on any user-defined values or calculations in spreadsheets.
- Data points on the plot will update in response to changes in data displayed gates, and more.
- Use informative regression statistics in results or perform further regression base analysis.