FCS Express 7 Release Notes


Version 7.24.0030 - March 11, 2025

Bug fixes

  1. Resolved a problem reading in layouts with embedded data saved in releases 7.06 through 7.14 where not all events were detected (124008)
  2. Fixed the implementation of the /DIR switch during silent installations (110813)
  3. Fixed the position of the parameter list dropdown with high DPI monitors (123234)
  4. Fixed an issue with the merged reader with the handling of mismatched parameter names (123654)
  5. Prevented a crash on startup in some cases on Mac non-English systems (123802)
  6. Improved the behavior of the radio buttons in the quad migration dialog (123807)
  7. Fixed a crash that could occur when moving gates with Live Updating turned on (123850)
  8. Fixed a problem that could prevent batch processing plugins from being seen after opening saved layouts (123955)


  1. Added support for Python 3.13 and 3.14 (123880)

Version 7.18.0044 - March 6, 2025

Bug fixes

  1. Resolved a problem reading in layouts with embedded data saved in releases 7.06 through 7.14 where not all events were detected (124008)

Version 7.24.0024 - Dec 18, 2024

Important Upgrade Announcement

  • For customers who have a license that uses an on-site Security system that has a SQL Server or a local database integration, this update will perform an update of the database structure.
  • If you are upgrading from an earlier release, and if your license is configured to use an on-site Security system, please read these instructions carefully before upgrading.

Quadrant gates

  1. Updated icons for quad gates to reflect that they're not restricted to specific physical locations (122664)
  2. Quad-Quad linking and Quad-Gate linking are now available (122720)
  3. Provide more flexibility in naming newly-created quads (123163)
  4. Add option for quads to change parameters when you change parameters of the plot they are on (123521)
  5. Update the quad creation dialog to include a hierarchy check box and clearly show the parent gate (123370)
  6. Added a question when importing old layouts about how to migrate quadrants (123382)

Export and Integration

  1. Added a Batch Processing Action to export the full contents of an FCS Express spreadsheet.
  2. Export to Luma Lab Connect (123032)


  1. Added ability to cancel Merge Files progress (122769)
  2. Added radio buttons to clarify iterations in the Data List (116751)
  3. Update the error message for Internet Dongle users who attempt to connect to a license that they are not associated with (113349)
  4. The Instrument Specific Settings options will now wait until a type is selected before displaying the options (122946)
  5. Sliders can now be used directly on plots with biexponential axes, or other axes with adjustable scales (121932)
  6. A warning will now be displayed on the plot if a configurable percent of cells (by default 5%) are out of range (118963)
  7. Added progress bars to long processes, including loading data (120892) (122829)
  8. Improved notification messages with URL information to have hyperlinks (108869)
  9. Plots can now be deleted directly from an editing state if nothing on the plot is selected (119028)
  10. Clarified wording of the options in the Cytek Instrument Specific Settings (116208)
  11. Improved labeling of options to clarify the ones that only apply in new layouts rather than the currently opened layout (122957)
  12. Add hyperlink to the error message after attempting to load invalid FCS files exported from Diva (123231)
  13. Can now change the plot's gate by clicking in the plot's title area (123214)

Tokens, Statistics and Spreadsheet

  1. When spreadsheets are copied together with plots, tokens in those spreadsheets referencing the plots in the source layout should reference the newly created plots in the target layout (122711)
  2. When spreadsheets are copied between layouts, they will now bring their full data with them (122734)
  3. Added checkbox for whether to include statistics from each overlay in plot statistics tables. Will be set to false by default for fit overlays on new fit plots (Multicycle, Proliferation) (122570)
  4. Added titles to stats grids (121263)
  5. Marker column is now enabled by default for histogram statistics tables (82304)
  6. Default statistics naming options updated (gate name will be prefixed) (123230)
  7. Added new report to list the tokens being displayed on layout pages (119307)


  1. Sped up establishing Internet Dongle connections by removing unnecessary server calls (122642)
  2. Sped up routine calls from FCS Express to the internet dongle by consolidating requests (122647)
  3. Improve the speed of reloading layouts after saving them post-linked gate fix (123103)
  4. Improved memory usage while saving layouts (123275)
  5. Optimized data loading using local caching for network files in the Data List (114349)
  6. Sped up opening Welcome Window in the case of large numbers of network-based recent layouts (123050)
  7. When live updating is too slow, only turn it off gate-by-gate, without saving it in the layout, and do not display a dialog box (120893)


  1. Added the option for administrators to set the default user options that are used for option resets and new users (121893)
  2. Significantly reduced the amount of space needed for layout history logs (115128)
  3. Improved log text for changes to compensation (117366)


  1. Added ability to create new parameter showing cell by cell local density (121446)

User Interface

  1. Added an option to the demo countdown to help users switch to purchased licenses (109745)
  2. Enabled FCS Express using the same display settings as the current monitor (122365)
  3. Added an option to show the zero on the plot axes at all times when automatic range is enabled (119309)
  4. An inverted option has been added to the plot's legend options that will flip the legend when it is displayed on the plot (122804)
  5. Added "No Gate" option to the gate selection formatting of stats grids (116258)
  6. Bumped the version number after release branch created (122663)
  7. Improved layout file saving process - if the system temp folder is not accessible, save the layout file directly to the target folder (122920)


  1. Updated icon for "Keyword" formatting category
  2. Updated Backstage Places Icon
  3. Updated graphics for Home/New Page and Design/Layout galleries (122590)
  4. Fixed small icon size in docked windows (122620)
  5. Modernized default appearance of plots (121235)

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a crash that could occur in bar plots with negative values (122823)
  2. Prevented a crash when saving compensation files failed due to a bad path (122807)
  3. Compensation matrices loaded from CSV files will not be displayed in the order of the CSV (120988)
  4. Fixed an incorrect error message that could happen when using an invalid configuration file (120621)
  5. Gated data will now use the same compensation as the original data (104326)
  6. Attempting to load Vectra image files without a properly defined suffix will give a warning message and will not load (123335)
  7. Fixed drag and drop to no longer hold up drag operations in other applications (120064)
  8. Fixed a problem that could cause the population of cells in gate for linked ellipse, freeform and polygon gates to be a subset of the expected set (122846,122952)
  9. Resolved a crash that could occur when undoing and redoing gate deletion (123040)
  10. Prevented a crash that could occur after applying snapshots when adding gates or quads (122828)
  11. Added integrity check for gates created with duplicated IDs (123022)
  12. Fixed the GatingML import where gates are replaced and the gate type changed (90819)
  13. Error message when gatingML exports fail was made more informative (123031)
  14. No longer allow activating individual quad gates on a plot (123083)
  15. Updated the gate visibility change log message so it clearly identifies the gate ID and gate name (123362)
  16. Fixed a bug where we would not restore the gating on plots after switching to snapshots that remove that gate and then switching back to a snapshot that includes the gate (123019)
  17. Gate text boxes on plots will now update when the color of the gate is changed in a Gate View or Navigator (119156)
  18. On systems with high DPI enabled, improved the ability to resize docked windows. (117705)
  19. Refreshed icon for "General" formatting category
  20. Updated the general options category icon.
  21. Added missing icons for matrix value tokens (122843)
  22. Improved the speed of loading layouts with linked gates (123086)
  23. Changing a user's security group will now be recorded in the log (122307, 123239))
  24. Fixed appearance of overlay hover hints on Mac (123430)
  25. Fixed a problem that could cause open layouts to close on Mac after double-clicking on another layout (123400)
  26. Do not show the Data Specific Gate checkbox when creating a gate from a marker (122819)
  27. Fixed a bug that prevented the Quadrant creation prompt options from being saved after they were changed in the user options. (123530)
  28. Simplified naming options for quad stats (120769)
  29. Zooming picture plots using the mouse wheel was made smoother (122370)
  30. Improved behavior on inactive pipeline steps to not cause transformation to recalculate (96834)
  31. Quadrants on log plots will now add up to 100%, even if data has values <= 0, by creating the quadrants on log plots with LinLog hybrid scaling (122911)
  32. Quad gates migrated from quads on plots were moved in the Gate View and Gate Navigator under a separate node (122301)
  33. Fixed a crash that could occur due to circular references in quad centerpoint formulas (123007)
  34. Improved behavior of quad gates with snapshots (116467)
  35. Fixed crash after copying and pasting quads to a plot with different parameters (123519)
  36. Fixed the toggle state of the Apply Iteration Button if the user selects "No" to the warning question (123280)
  37. Correctly populate the admin column in the Security Group report (122554)
  38. Fixed a bug in FCS Express security that would prevent users from logging or changing the Administrator password (123005)
  39. Fixed reporting time stamps on security system logs regardless of UTC zone (123102)
  40. Added a new UniProvider connection string option for SQL Server connections that gives additional control to users over the driver used to connect to SQL Server (123281)
  41. Removed security configuration option that was inapplicable to Internet Dongle configurations (121082)
  42. Fixed a crash that could occur when applying an interaction snapshot using data that was selected in the data relocation window (122827)
  43. Fixed appearance of quad text boxes on plots after applying snapshots (123020)
  44. Fixed a crash that could occur after dragging data files from the Data List to a Spreadsheet and then sorting the spreadsheet (122740)
  45. Updated tokens that generate lists to use the list separator specified in the computer's regional settings (121688)
  46. Fixed a crash when switching a token's data source to be Data File from Disk (120482)
  47. Restored handle token errors in custom tokens to the behavior prior to 7.16 - that the rest of the custom token will be evaluated instead of being short-circuited, and added an option (116567)
  48. Prevent crash when inserting stat tokens from files - don't allow creating tokens with errors (123401)
  49. Improved appearance of File tab on the Mac (123332)
  50. No longer append the word "control" on newly generated pages generated from the Unmixing wizard (122088)
  51. Changed wording of popup menu item "Regression Parameter Statistics" to "Regression Fit Statitics" to match the user options (122389)
  52. Improved wording in Gates to Display formatting category (123146)
  53. Fixed width of Error and Highlight bar comboboxes (123556)
  54. Fixed problem with data list radio button (not a customer-facing issue) (123068)
  55. Fixed name of column in stats grid for stats with custom denominator gates (123282)
  56. Fixed a problem that could cause the bottom of the Overlays formatting category to disappear after moving the splitter between the overlay list and properties (122780)
  57. Fixed a in the keyword selection for tokens where selecting all PnX keywords would only include the first 5 (122188)
  58. Fixed progress bar step captions while running pipelines (109728)
  59. Improved description for custom percentile statistics (122572)
  60. Fixed the Switch Window button on the View ribbon to show all available FCS Express windows (116582)
  61. Fixed the size of disclosure icons in Gate View windows as the layout zooms (117786)
  62. Improved validation with quad percentile ranges (1211467)
  63. Make sure that plots created by the compensation and unmixing wizards use the common axis scaling in the layout (118000)
  64. Improved behavior of mouse scroll wheel inside formatting windows (121440)
  65. Fixed the behavior of pressing the button to advance to the last layout page (122472)
  66. Fixed a delay experienced when moving gates in layouts with a large number of compensation objects (122793)
  67. Fixed a bug where the Size formatting category did not recognize the computer's decimal separator settings (122867)
  68. After changing color level options in the formatting window, the plot will update immediately to use the new options without needing to be deselected and reselected (122871)
  69. Resolved a problem with layouts using long file names (122794)
  70. Fixed bug that multi-selection on parameter lists did not work well if the initial selected item was scrolled off screen (122864)
  71. Update message for site license users that are waiting for approval (119724)
  72. Updated drag and drop of stats grids for creating statistics tokens to use the same percentile as in the stats grid source (122948)
  73. Fixed problem where using multiple fe_launch files would not load multiple layouts (123082)
  74. Replacing a gate now preserve additional properties (122858)
  75. Fixed the description for the "% of gated" statistics in the Create Statistic dialog (122796)
  76. GatingML files will now be saved with decimals displayed with dots as the decimal separator (123252)
  77. Fixed a bug on Mac that caused any currently open layouts to close if you double-click to open another layout (123216)
  78. Fixed a crash that could occur when exporting a pipeline-transformed file (123238)
  79. Fixed a memory leak that could lead to a crash while closing FCS Express (123334)
  80. Fixed a crash caused by applying a snapshots if plots referenced in the snapshot had been deleted (122862)
  81. After copying and pasting text boxes with to another layout, the gate references will now match what's on the new layout by name (123559)
  82. Beta 7.24.0012 could not launch on Windows (123660)
  83. Improved importing unmixing CSV files (123680)

Version 7.18.0040 - Nov 26, 2024

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a bug related to stored procedures in Batch Processing database exports (123079)
  2. Improved the speed of loading layouts with linked gates, after the layout was saved in 7.18.0030 (123086)
  3. Reversed the order of plot and target gate in statistics descriptions (123668)
  4. Fixed a problem that could cause the events in color dot plots or spectrum plots to not be colored with a gate that they are in (123676)

Version 7.22.0031 - July 12, 2024 (RUO Only)

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a problem that could cause the population of cells in gate for linked ellipse, freeform and polygon gates to be a subset of the expected set (122846, 122936, 122952, 122955)

Version 7.18.0030 - July 9, 2024

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a problem that could cause the population of cells in gate for linked ellipse, freeform and polygon gates to be a subset of the expected set (122846, 122935, 122952, 122954)
  2. Fixed bug where incorrect value would show in CSI matrix if "no negative" was selected for positive control (114080, 120263)

Version 7.14.0025 - July 9, 2024 (RUO Only)

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a problem that could cause the population of cells in gate for linked ellipse, freeform and polygon gates to be a subset of the expected set (122846, 122880, 122952, 122953)

Version 7.22.0006 - April 17, 2024 (RUO Only)



  1. Added a border around plots and stats tables when one or the other is selected to indicate their relationship (121264)
  2. Added indicator in "% of" statistic that the Denominator Gate can be changed (121266)
  3. Added explanations into stats selection (121167)

User Experience

  1. Allow users to type the page name into the "change page" dialog in order to switch to that page (119161)
  2. Pre-initialize output file fields in batch processing (119031)

Ribbon bar reorganization

  1. Updated button captions in the Data tab of the ribbon bar to increase clarity (121814)
  2. Consolidate Export function under the Batch tab, renamed the latter as “Batch and Export” and reorganized reorganized Batch Processing icons on the tab (121473)
  3. Reorganized Insert tab in then ribbon bar, to improve accessibility for commonly used plot types (121754)
  4. SOP buttons moved from the Quality tab to the Tools tab (121468)
  5. Renamed button "NxN Plots Compensated" to "NxN Compensation Viewer" (120132)


  1. Allowed changing random seeds for downsampling pipeline step (114199)
  2. MST and Graph Layout algorithms can now be run on Louvain classification parameters (114166)
  3. Changed Target Density pipeline step fields to reflect percentiles (0-100) instead of probabilities (0-1) (121436)

Clinical and Validation Ready

  1. Added new report to show which permissions are in each security group (97738)


  1. Added ability to change image zoom using mouse wheel (113125)


  1. Removed the checkboxes from the Select Plot Type dialog (119113)
  2. Display the current value of the Below Zero parameter for axes formatted with Biexponential scaling (81959)
  3. Updated defaults appearance of Multicycle plots (121747)

Bug fixes

  1. Ensure that when there is an error while saving a layout file related to data files being saved at the same time, that the original data files will not be deleted (115238)
  2. Fixed a bug where selecting text boxes inside plots and then the plot itself did not trigger the format window to update to the different object (93672)
  3. Ensure that File Identifiers and Classification Identifiers are in the same order after a file merge (117910)
  4. Fixed crash when typing certain values into the compensation slider window (112531)
  5. Fixed background color of some UI elements on Mac (120786)
  6. Improved text box audit logs (98373)
  7. Fixed ability to select model name statistic for Regression Parameter Statistic tokens (120614)
  8. Improved handling automatic minima through Instrument Specific Settings rules with data that goes below 0 after applying compensation (120158)
  9. Fixed bug where incorrect value would show in CSI matrix if "no negative" was selected for positive control (114080)
  10. Fixed a crash that could occur when when working with the unmixing wizard in saved layouts (117985)
  11. Fixed a bug that cause a gate to be unmovable when token based on it is used in SOP (110402)
  12. Fixed the behavior of the dithering option on scatter plots (116629)
  13. Iteration snapshots will now be preserved after performing a file relocation when opening a saved layout (88992)
  14. Improve validation when loading data files with spectrum parameters to detect duplicated names (118050)
  15. Added range validation for quad centerpoint values when editing them from a plot (120788)
  16. Made sure that opening existing layouts adds them to the list of selectable recent layouts in the Welcome Window(121088)
  17. Mouse pointer shape will be more consistent between pointer and cross (120089)
  18. Improvements moving quads with arrow keys (120929)
  19. Fixed green flash that could appear while moving/copying objects (119416)
  20. Fixed drawing of error bars on bar plots to reflect scaling (117154)
  21. Made regression stats text boxes read-only (119217)
  22. Improved loading MQD data on computer systems with “,” as the decimal delimiter (120067)
  23. Changed the number of decimals displayed on a bar chart to be 2 (120002)
  24. Improved cancellation response after canceling pipeline operations (119635)
  25. Fixed a problem that made icons in the batch actions windows disappear at display scales > 100% (121727)
  26. Updated token validation to catch more situations where tokens were pointing to invalid plots (119782)
  27. Fixed spreadsheet conditional formatting icons (121144)
  28. Previously, plot themes were not saved consistently (114106)
  29. Improved handling behavior when choosing "Close and Restart" from the crash handling dialog (121085)
  30. Improved appearance of gate edit panel on data grids in high-res displays (121704)

Version 7.20.0023 - February 26, 2024 (RUO Only)

Bug fixes

  1. FCS Express on Mac sometimes would hang while running the first time after an installation (120783)
  2. Ensure that when there is an error while saving a layout file related to data files being saved at the same time, that the original data files are not deleted (115238)
  3. Make sure that the display text for gates in gate text boxes updates if the gate is renamed in the Gate Navigator (119165)
  4. Fixed a problem where Prism files generated from FCS Express could only be opened in Prism on Windows, not on Mac (121368)
  5. Fixed a bug that prevented certain saved layouts from being reopened (121739)

Version 7.20.0020 - January 26, 2024 (RUO Only)



  1. Added the ability to create Prism files through Batch Process (110445)

Quad and Gates

  1. Quadrants now share the same architecture and underlying implementation as gates (105867)
    1. Please see this FAQ for additional details of changes you may see in your existing layouts.
  2. Added a menu item in the Gate View/Navigator to lock gates to only being moved on a single plot (120256)


  1. Added percentile statistics for X and Y for 2D plots (119693)
  2. Added a new token for listing the Object Number of the selected layout objects (119422)


  1. Added guidance text on blank layout pages when no objects have been placed on the page yet (117523)
  2. Added hint for using newly created gates to create gated plots (117552)
  3. Improved format of file relocation dialog (116755)
  4. Make the Configuration File Setup Wizard clearer for user who register to a license after a demo
  5. Gate Navigator will now automatically display the new gate when a new gate is created (116292)
  6. Removed categorizing nodes from the Gate Navigator if there are no subnodes (117314)
  7. The default ribbon tab is now Insert (118606)
  8. Remove the ability to select stats in the right-click menu for stats table
  9. Changed the cursor when inserting objects to be clearer (116976)
  10. Improve multi-selection capability in transformation parameter selection (110001)
  11. Improved mouse wheel scrolling behavior in formatting windows (117011)
  12. Show all gate combo boxes as gate hierarchy (117243)
  13. When selecting gates for the 2D plots statistic, the gates currently shown on the chosen plot will be listed at the beginning of the list (120248)
  14. The default for the option on recreating Gate text boxes after showing it will now be on (115671)
  15. Renamed PDF export quality labels for clarity (115984)
  16. When files are dragged into the layout, they will now be added to the Data List even if the Data List is not currently empty (115619)
  17. Improve drag&drop experience to avoid having plots behave as targets for a drag operation when they will be unable to process the drop (115316)


  1. Sped up loading users list when using internet dongle (57314)
  2. Sped up opening header form in the case of large numbers of parameters (73336)
  3. Improved startup speed when connecting to the internet dongle (117164)
  4. Improved loading speed of new layouts (116526)
  5. Improved internet dongle startup times (117648)
  6. Improved memory usage when loading old layouts (108549)
  7. Improved startup speed on Mac (118261)
  8. Improved speed launching FCS Express and opening layouts (118238)
  9. Significantly improved speed of turning on and off panels in large layouts (117584)
  10. Improved speed of setting up options and formatting categories by avoiding extra rendering (120604)


  1. Allow easier use of parameter groups to specify export parameters in the "Data > Export" window (117270)
  2. Improved Mac fonts
  3. Added warning message that reordering the data list will trigger the iteration snapshots to get deleted (107944)
  4. Improved user options for Attune Cytpix Image data files (116155)
  5. Improved Zooming on picture plots (114310)
  6. Parameter labels displayed on plots with mixed parameters for different overlays will be displayed more clearly (113181)
  7. Allow more special characters when creating passwords (117360)

Bug fixes

  1. When duplicating a plot, maintain the manual axis scaling on the original plot (103936)
  2. Improved checking for valid conditions prior to running downsampling (114321)
  3. Histograms created by auto-compensation will now use the default histogram resolution, instead of 128 (108864)
  4. Previously, when canceling the Overwrite File confirmation dialog that could appear during batch processing, FCS Express would perform the default action rather than canceling (115059)
  5. Ensure bar plot displays the new overlay together after a gate is dragged on it (102803)
  6. Fixed a bug that caused a batch action to be deleted after being dragged to another report and then undone (115596)
  7. Fixed crash on Mac from Ctrl+Click (115737)
  8. Parameter label settings will now continue to be applied after switching plot types (113573)
  9. Improve error handling from printer form (97967)
  10. Fixed bug that Tsne was recalculating even though "automatically recalculate" was unchecked (103763)
  11. Made gate display on picture plots more consistent after changing axes from various methods (113837)
  12. Corrected message shown about performance limitations when inserting Multiplot (115734)
  13. Fixed a potential crash when generating hover hint text for plots without data (114337)
  14. Gate node expansions in the Gate view and navigator will now be preserved after showing or hiding the root node  (115951)
  15. Improved coloring in category selection trees (116198)
  16. Fixed crash in unmixing wizard after re-loading files (115388)
  17. Fixed a crash that could occur on Mac during batch processing (115294)
  18. Fixed a problem introduced in 7.16 related to loading layouts with compensations that could trigger a circular reference error (115636)
  19. Fixed positioning of slider controls on Specific Options category for high-DPI display (116199)
  20. Improved legend for threshold style color levels (114012)
  21. If text with tokens is displayed, and that text does not need to be evaluated for a result, then if some tokens evaluate to an error, the other tokens will still get evaluated (113609)
  22. Resolved a crash that could occur when the position of the caret inside a table in text box was changed due to the change in size of tokenized values (116197)
  23. Resolved a bug in Mann-Whitney test (116565)
  24. Fixed crash in FlowAI that could happen with certain data files (117556)
  25. Improved automatic marker peak detection algorithm (116402)
  26. Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking in the compensations window while background processes are still occuring (117101)
  27. Fixed Timestep export in Helios files (116420)
  28. Added more detailed error messages in cases where Python Pipeline steps fail (117867)
  29. FCS Express on Mac will no longer hang when trying to show a PDF preview from the print dialog (112797)
  30. Fixes for specific clinical customers (117743)
  31. Improved zoom trackbar appearance on Mac on High DPI displays (117693)
  32. Fixed a problem that prevented resetting toolbar customizations from being saved (117917)
  33. Fixe the initial column header label on new layouts to be "Iteration", not "Tube" (116505)
  34. Fixed text size in transformation windows in high-DPI displays (117015)
  35. Merging classification parameters will no longer create extra data columns (116419)
  36. Fixed concentration calculator for European decimal settings (117877)
  37. Improved audit trail details when deleting gates (97827)
  38. Updated fcs data reading to allow incorrectly generated data files from iQue to be displayed (115657)
  39. Improved External Application Bridge (R Server) reliability (116678)
  40. Fixed bugs with panning/zomming picture plots when layout zoom was not 100% (116687)
  41. Changed the default print quality option on Mac for more clearly seeing data in Powerpoint exports (117041)
  42. Fixed a high-DPI issue that caused the problems in the startup wizard with file selection fields (117162)
  43. Fixed a bug so that data that was originally loaded with an extra keywords file and then saved embedded no longer requires the extra keywords files on the layout being reloaded (117806)
  44. Fixed concentration calculator for European decimal settings (117877)
  45. Legend tex will now be drawn inside the legend outline on spectrum plots at high DPI (118047)
  46. Fixed a display issue that could lead to a blank box in the middle of text on the startup screen on Mac (118125)
  47. Transformations will now not recalculated when a gate is moved if the setting Automatically Run Pipeline is off (118469)
  48. Fixed spacing on Data List toolbar in high DPI (118514)
  49. Fixed a bug on Mac where non-English characters were not displayed correctly in some circumstances (115846)
  50. Fixed bug that if you press ESC when running a transformation, it will not automatically re-run again until you click "execute transformation" (116327)
  51. Improved appearance of formatting windows on high DPI displays (117070)
  52. Improved Retina display appearance on Macs (117707)
  53. Previously, gate names inside plot legends did not update after the gate was renamed (118415)
  54. Fixed starting window size on machines with high DPI (119262)
  55. Fixed a crash that occured on Mac when attempting to print when no printer was installed (113356)
  56. Sort order in the data list will now be used after dragging files from Explorer into the list (117685)
  57. Fixed parameter identification after merging .acs files (117904)
  58. Fixed appearance in Find dialog in High DPI (118984)
  59. Fixed a crash that could occur when saving a layout (117934)
  60. Allow closing the dialog after entering an internet dongle signup code (117951)
  61. Fixed the "Reset Toolbar" feature (118022)
  62. Fixed a potential memory allocation error that could occur when running FlowCut (118462)
  63. Improved message for expired subscriptions (119582)
  64. Allow resetting Stationary Controls to 0 in Panels (119871)
  65. Updated wording in the Export Data dialog for compensation selections (116212)
  66. Fixed Create New Gate Form in High-DPI (119324)
  67. Improved appearance of Batch Processing window in High DPI (118240)
  68. Prevent opening multiple copies of the same layout (119438)
  69. Fixed bug where incorrect value would show in CSI matrix if "no negative" was selected for positive control (114080)
  70. Fixed a double-drawing glitch that caused categories in the user preferences to be rendered twice (119891)
  71. Improved Shift + Drag of gates on plots to create data specific gates (119206)
  72. Added the ability to scroll vertically on the Batch Export window (120623)
  73. Fixed live formatting of Regression Stats forms (119216)
  74. Show images with their proper rows (120826)
  75. Report a proper error message to prevent loading data with mask images files in unsupported formats. (120907)
  76. Improved High-DPI appearance in report windows (119534)

Version 7.18.0025 - August 11, 2023

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug that could cause a plot with overlays to not update, if any overlay other than the first is gated on a data-specific gate, and that gate is updated on another plot (118263)

Version 7.18.0021 - June 28, 2023

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug that could cause FCS Express to hang on a Mac when navigating to a location in the Save As dialog (114041)
  2. Fixed a problem that occurred after deleting fluorescent parameters after merging spectral data that could lead to the wrong parameter label being displayed (116181)
  3. Improved the speed of working in certain layouts (117232)
  4. Fixed a problem introduced in 7.18.0015 that could lead to FCS Express crashing with Out Of Resource errors (117319)


  1. Strengthen password length requirements (117059)
  2. Added support for FCS 3.2 standard files (117538)
Version 7.18.0015 - May 1, 2023
User Experience

  1. Gate Navigator and Data List will be displayed by default on new layouts (114346)
  2. Added toolbar buttons to Gate Navigator (113989)
  3. Simplified appearance of Create Gate dialog (114538)
  4. Added icons to the plot type selection dialog displayed after dragging and dropping data files (113576)
  5. Reduced the number of available plot type to choose from after dragging and dropping data files into the program (115236)
  6. The Format Ribbon Tab will now only appear when a layout object is selected (113582)
  7. Updated Help Ribbon Tab and Startup Screen organization (116000)
  8. Improved the information provided on the welcome screen for upgrades (114183)


  1. Improved panning and zooming on picture plots (105211)

Internet Dongle

  1. Added Proxy support (98033)


  1. Research customers who purchased standalone (including internet dongle) FCS Express Flow or Image licenses in the past will now have access to all product features for both Flow and Image,  and also to the High Content and Advanced Multicycle add-ons. (114312) Learn more...
    1. For customers using Internet dongle licenses, FCS Express will now always check for an updated configuration upon login (114316) - this will allow internet dongle customers to use the new features right away.
    2. Customers using countercode and USB dongle licensing will be able to access the new features by downloading a new config file.


  1. When adding overlays on spectrum plots, the new overlays will show the same spectrum as the base overlay (80163)
  2. Added Median as an option in the Overlay to Show options for Spectrum plots (99264)
  3. Added Aurora CS to the Instrument Specific Settings (114565)


  1. Added ability for classification output parameters to be treated as numeric (109723)


  1. Data list column order will now be remembered and sorted when adding new data files (112522)
  2. Updated FCS Express icons, splash screen and labeling (114305)
  3. Added ability to have parameter groups in the UI (113378)
  4. Improved speed on Mac in Startup Screen (114213)
  5. Improved speed of displaying the data list with keyword columns (110631)
Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a problem that could prevent Summary plots (Box and Whiskers, Violin, Beeswarm) from updating when gates their data was dependent on were moved (116648)
  2. Ensure that when text box contents including tokens using data from plots are copied and pasted from one layout to another, they refer to the correct plot on the new layout (113076)
  3. Fixed bug in offline error reporting (114001)
  4. Preserved links when copying custom tokens and other objects referring to the custom tokens from one layout to another (109206)
  5. Custom tokens when created on computers with European decimal markers, can now display the value instead of being marked as an error (110344)
  6. Removed redirections when launching web pages from within FCS Express (112751)
  7. The data list will no longer highlight iterations if there are files on the layout from mixed iterations (109974)
  8. Fixed a problem where selection jumps when doing formatting operations on text in a dockable window (112847)
  9. Fixed problem that you could not see logged in users via the website (103660)
  10. Fixed crash in color dot plots with multiple overlays and one overlay was invisible (114195)
  11. Fixed intermittent crash in docking system (115654)
  12. Fixed crash in spectral plots when showing Median stat on an invalid gate (115789)
  13. Fixed a bug that could cause parameter names to be hidden in the Parameter drop-down list when creating data parameters (111294)
  14. Fixed a bug in biexponential calculations when there was only a single cell in the dataset (112764)
  15. Improved the way FCS Express uses default folders if none is specified when exporting to PowerPoint (113431)
  16. Improved logging of changes to compensation (111375)
  17. Fixed a crash that could occur when opening more than one FCS Express version at a time (114099)
  18. Fixed a crash that could occur when optimizing memory usage for loaded data files (114148)
  19. Prevented a crash on mac by disallowing hiding the ribbon (116535)
  20. Improved importing compensation CSV files to allow importing with comma as the decimal separator (112900)
  21. Improved high-res display of edit fields inside text boxes (115176)
  22. Improved handling of comma-separated parameter lists for custom functions on systems with comma as the decimal separator (82502)
  23. Previously, FCS files exported from MACSQuant were not scaled the same as the MQD files in all cases (93701)
  24. DEP and ASLR enabled (110848)
  25. Sorting by name in the User Administration window will no longer be case-sensitive (111024)
  26. Hide the list of parameter scaling choices in Instrument Specific Settings when the scaling is set to Automatic (110066)
  27. Ensured that batch processing pauses on flagged iterations (113174)
  28. Fixed bug that “Select All” was not working in editor section of the Notes Navigator (113276)
  29. Fixed a bug that gate downsampling was not always updating correctly when gates moved (109923)
  30. Fixed crash when opening certain layouts (115043)
  31. Fixed an unexpected error after undoing auto-compensation modifications (107419)
  32. Changed multi-process communication system to be more robust on Mac (113861)
Version 7.16.0047 - February 28, 2023 (Windows-only)
 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed problem where batch export took a long time under certain circumstances (114168)
Version 7.16.0046 - January 30, 2023 (Mac-only)
Bug fixes

  1. Prevented a potential infinite loop on Mac Apple silicon computers that could lead to FCS Express hanging (115145)

Version 7.16.0035 - November 16, 2022


Plotting and Graphic

  1. Improved how the legend is rendered at different zooms (97525)
  2. Added ability to control the formatting of minor tick marks (108251)
  3. Added new sets of color levels: Inferno, Magma, Plasma and Viridis (109099)

User experience

  1. Added Notes tool to allow associating notes with slides and plots (109417)
  2. Add label to negative control in unmixing wizard to help when the same negative control is used multiple times (107211)
  3. Added "All Events" gate at the root of the gating hierarchy (30180)


  1. Sped up creation of well gates (90659)
  2. Transformations are no longer recalculated if they are only used on plots on non-visible page (74536)
  3. Improved performance in Options window on Mac (102586)
  4. Improved speed of loading CellProfiler data (108541)
  5. Sped up loading of large CSV files (110331)
  6. Improved speed when moving gates under internet dongle (110763)


  1. Added ability to select a transformation when dropping file from the Data List into a textbox/spreadsheet (108262)
  2. Clarified warning message when batch actions would overwrite other files previously exported (110673)


  1. Classification Folders add the ability to run pipeline steps independently on each data set within a merged file (learn more in our recent webinar) (105974)
  2. Improved positioning of SOM created clusters on heat maps (108366)
  3. Do not show warning message about adding step to pipeline if pipeline is not applied to any plots (108580)
  4. When creating a FlowCut pipeline step, a scaling step will automatically be added to it (110006)
  5. Improved audit trail for added or deleted pipeline steps (103244)
  6. Updated KNN step in Phenograph to use scaled parameters by default (109158)


  1. Added new Instrument Specific Settings entry for Bigfoot (102242)


  1. Added ability to completely customize token error text (108655)
  2. Improved TimeKWToTime function to handle more time formats (109963)


  1. Added support for loading Thermo CytPix image data (109621, 110944)


  1. Added GTIN number to File > Help > About box (109890)
  2. Improved error message when administrator has not approved internet dongle user (110065)
  3. Updates for specific clinical customers (110178)
  4. Added parameter /ACCEPTPRIVACYPOLICY to the command line processing of the installer (110284)
  5. Update dialog now contains a link to the release notes (109744)
Bug fixes

  1. Overlays on Gate Heat Maps will now default to be calculated using the same statistic as the base overlay (89665)
  2. Fixed bug where there was sometimes a small blank line at the bottom of bar plots (98822)
  3. Fixed bug in loading layouts with large datasets (103422)
  4. Removed validation in the wizard when going back (103869)
  5. Fixed bug reading large Amnis DAF files (103427)
  6. Fixed bug that Undo did not work properly when changing Extra Spillover targets (106188)
  7. Fixed a problem that could occur on Mac when trying to load data files with non-ASCII characters in the filename (106358)
  8. Improved data scaling on Y axis on bar plots (106554)
  9. Fixed bug when undoing changes in scatter parameter in compensation/unmixing wizard (107151)
  10. Improved logging of renaming custom tokens (107307)
  11. Unmixing wizard does not populate plots correctly if options are set to remember parameters by name (107874)
  12. Fixed Well Gate naming to start at '1' not '0' (107895)
  13. Fixed validation on Instrument Validation Matrices (107979)
  14. Improved audit trail when deleting pipeline step (108013)
  15. Properly display the gate color after creating a token by dragging a statistics grid cell (108228)
  16. Fixed crash when pipeline parameters were missing when applying pipeline to data files (108454)
  17. Improved formatting of security configuration User interface (108628)
  18. Improved appearance of axis labels on stacked histograms (108761)
  19. Fixed bug that tokens did not display description in spreadsheet even if the token was set to do so (108787)
  20. Improved heatmap coloring to distinguish between 0-value and invalid value cells (108865)
  21. Fixed that there was a large amount of blank space on parameter heat maps (108866)
  22. Fixed bug that legend symbol did not scale properly based on zoom (109094)
  23. Resolved a crash that could occur when using the TimeKWToTime function in a custom tokens (109131)
  24. Fixed bug where PDF was not generated correctly on certain monitors (109134)
  25. Improved text in Gate View Options (109145)
  26. Fixed bug when loading the 2nd Coulter data set where the wrong instrument specific settings could be applied (109150)
  27. Fixed background color drawing on color picker controls (109264)
  28. Fixed bug with merging data files to single FCS file that is greater than 2GB (109269)
  29. Fixed a bug that prevented exporting GatingML in certain cases if the gates were created by importing a Diva Experiment file (109372)
  30. Make sure a token update is triggered after changing the display type (109392)
  31. Fixed crash in DateKWToDate custom token formula (109444)
  32. Fixed bug in GatingML export (109473)
  33. Fixed crash when selecting multiple instrument specific settings and pressing "Restore to Default Settings" (109488)
  34. No longer reset the negative control on compensation or unmixing after adding new data files (109549)
  35. Mask Downsampling could not handle classification parameters (109584)
  36. Layout history will now contain percentage locations within a page rather than fixed pixels (109667)
  37. Exporting to GatingML can now include the entire hierarchy (109808)
  38. Made sure that when importing GatingML files, that replaced gates are considered by other parts of the layout to have moved (109842)
  39. Fixed dragged statistics with colors to display the color itself instead of an RGB value (109978)
  40. Fixed clipping text in high DPI monitor in new gate name dialog (110002)
  41. Improved handling of ExtraKeywords csv files with quotation marks around the entries (110100)
  42. Fixed a bug where the line widths of specific gates did not change in response to changing the gate properties (110110)
  43. Fixed a problem in the dependency checking system that prevented certain layouts from opening in 7.14 (110142)
  44. Improved appearance of user interface on High DPI monitors (110277)
  45. Updated GatingML export to match expected text casing of the GatinML standard (110346)
  46. Fixed export of GatingML files from data imported through importing a Diva experiment (110536)
  47. Fixed a problem with the data source of tokens when copying tokens from a page or layout to another (110729)from
  48. Fixed problems in importing user list from CSV for internet dongle (110877)
  49. Canceling the performance warning dialog will now not trigger cause option value of the layout to be modified (110881)
  50. Exports to Excel will no longer consider text starting with x to be hexadecimal integers (111118)
  51. Fixed a sizing problem inside the statistics selection category (111150)
  52. Fixed a problem detecting circular references when updating Proliferation Plot settings that led to crashing (111175)
  53. Changing values in the keyword token dialog will now allow the OK button to be pressed (111184)
  54. Restored old implementation of XOR gates (111285)
  55. Added ability to load large TIFF files into an embedded picture (112772)
  56. Fixed the size of the "Merged FCS File Import Options" panel for Cytek and Sony instrument specific settings and FscReaderOptions (112776)
  57. Fixed a bug that could cause quad statistics to display incorrectly after changing the parameter of the Y-axis (113139)
  58. Prevented startup problems on Macs with M1 processors (113469)
  59. Fixed bug when merging FCS files to create .DNS file larger than 2 GB (106136, 102507)

Version 7.14.0020 - June 10, 2022


User experience

  1. Added dropdown list to Keywords dialog to more easily selected recently used keywords (908)
  2. Added ability to expand and collapse multiple gate nodes in gate navigator (74379)
  3. Removed Convert-only option when creating gates from markers and quads (89218)
  4. Improved the well gate naming when creating multiple well gates at the same time (96985)
  5. If manually specified auto-save folder is not writable, save to default temp folder (105301)
  6. Preserve the active state of the detectors was lost if the unmixing matrix was recalculated (108016)
  7. Improved ability to cancel long running transformations by pressing Escape (107773)


  1. Added ability to set font for pie slice labels in pie charts (11438)
  2. When switching plot types, preserve the settings for axis label options (19545)
  3. Added ability to make parameter multi-plots for Heatmaps (106034)

Security and audit trails

  1. Added password complexity requirements to security system (79873)
  2. Improved audit trail details for changes to data headers (102168)
  3. Improved audit trail for newly added signature items (102691)


  1. Sped up inserting NxN plots (81499)
  2. It is now easier to add multiple overlays for different gates at the same time (99977)
  3. Improved speed of KNN calculation (105618)
  4. Sped up Heatmaps (106339)
  5. Improved speed of tsne (106730)
  6. Sped up Multi-threaded unmixing when the computer has more than 2 cores (107191)


  1. Added ability to select which gates are showing on gate navigator/ gate view (103086)
  2. Added many new options for stats naming (97116)
  3. Added Instrument Specific Settings in the options for Fluidigm Cytof XT (103142)
  4. Added ability to choose how the statistic names are generated (103329)
  5. Added tools for easier selection/deselection of tree nodes in the Gate To Display formatting dialog (105898)
  6. Changed the default value for the history options for the number of layouts to keep from 0 to 1 (106749)
  7. Added ability to read Thermo-Fisher .tmo files (107335)
  8. Added option to specify how stats from populations with no gates are represented: as 0 or ERROR (106317)
  9. Added ability to create spectral parameters using regular expressions (104430)


  1. Improved batch export to respect data specific gates and clarify the transformation to be applied for gating vs data purposes (103309)


  1. Enable passing classification and spectral parameters to python pipeline steps (105236)
  2. Introduced Louvain Pipeline Step (105268)
  3. Added Phenograph algorithm (105269)
  4. Added Dialog window when adding new pipeline steps to ask whether or not to automatically turn off auto-update on that pipeline (106968)


  1. Added a new token type to display the time including seconds (105750)
Bug fixes

  1. When changing plot types, stats windows will be preserved where possible (16582)
  2. Improved axis range for merged data files (68378)
  3. Added the ability to activate text boxes inside plots to allow moving them when they are covered by a gate (71791)
  4. Clearer entries in the layout history log when actions on plots are blocked due to authorizations (88932)
  5. Improved loading certain Miltenyi index sort files that had plate information (92300)
  6. Fixed bug to prevent continuous keeping looping if you select Cancel from the Reason for change edit window (95108)
  7. Improved Audit trail for changes to checkbox tokens (98376)
  8. Fixed bug to not re-apply some instrument specific settings when loading data exported from FCS Express (98790)
  9. Improved formatting of Spectrum plots to allow clearer displays of different overlays (98997)
  10. Fixed crash when applying scaling to downsampled cells in pipeline (99214)
  11. Separated data overlays from fit overlays in the options to allow more customized initialization of Multicycle, CFSE and Subtraction plots (99396)
  12. Improved logging of changes to flagged iterations in audit trail (102311)
  13. Improved error message when the parameter is the wrong type in the unmixing wizard (102806)
  14. Added ability for site license admins to have different email address than those allowed by the general email filter (102997)
  15. Fixed speed of format frames appearing and occasional crashes when typing editing legend text (103159)
  16. Merge to Spectra now saves the keywords text file with parameter names taken from the user options setting for the matching name (103183)
  17. Improved Multicycle crash handling (103452)
  18. Improved appearance of tokens on high DPI monitors (103709)
  19. Enhanced GatingML reader to read GatingML with extra gate name attribute (103786)
  20. Added right-click Select All and Deselect All to the Data Refresh dialog (104149)
  21. Fixed crash with Tukey test formula in spreadsheets (104152)
  22. Fixed bug where Word Report duplicated final iteration at end of batch (104223)
  23. Folders can now be selected for hyperlinks and other file dialogs (104596)
  24. Fixed bug that certain points were not highlighting properly on Levey Jennings plots (104623)
  25. Improved permission for reorganizing files in the data list when clicking on the file header (104754)
  26. Sped up parameter heat maps (104992)
  27. Added ability to see errors in spreadsheet formula by hovering over spreadsheet cell (105155)
  28. Fixed a crash that could occur when jumping to hyperlinks (105432)
  29. Tokens linked directly to data files did not always update properly upon reorganization of file list (105731)
  30. Fixed bug that scatter gate was changing when you changed auto-comp settings (105846)
  31. Fixed bug that Gates To Display frame in formatting windows did not refresh when you changed the gating hierarchy (105860)
  32. Fixed bug that pipeline was recalculated even when "automatically run" checkbox was off (105888)
  33. Fixed scaling in pipeline steps for Cytek files (105912)
  34. Fixed right-clicking Recent Items in the ribbon on Mac (105914)
  35. Fixed a crash triggered by having multiple Instrument Specific Settings with the same name (105965)
  36. Fixed a potential crash when expanding the menu button for adding a pipeline item (106003)
  37. Improved copying and pasting tokens and plots together from one layout to another (106013)
  38. Fixed bug that data grids copied from one layout to another would not always preserve the correct gate (106021)
  39. Previously, changes made in the compensation matrix editor would not be retained on saving if the matrix editor was still selected at the time of the save(106122)
  40. Reduced memory requirements for displaying the Data List (106123)
  41. Fixed bug that custom denominator was renamed to 'no gate' in stats token selector (106169)
  42. Previously, some errors in compensation matrix calculation were displayed only in the layout messages, but not in the compensation window (106255)
  43. Fixed bug with importing child gates from GatingML (106257)
  44. Fixed bug when trying to load certain data files when keywords for that data file had been shown in the data list (106288)
  45. After logging out, made sure that the welcome window will no longer appear (106405)
  46. Fixed naming of custom denominator gate in create statistic window (106486)
  47. Fixed bug that "Change file with next/prev/batch" was not preserved when switching plot types (106548)
  48. Parameter selections not maintained when filtering the pipeline steps (106590)
  49. Improved importing gatingML files with duplicate gate names (106611)
  50. fixed bug that unmixing matrix did not update in some cases unless the matrix was displayed (106617)
  51. Improved error handling when appending to files during a batch that do not have write permission (106623)
  52. Changed default category when opening up the format screen for stats windows (106670)
  53. Fixed bug that you were unabled to create "Gated data" from linked marker or quad gates (106746)
  54. Improved the way the combo boxes for Scatter Params and Param to Unmix are populated (106800)
  55. Fixed a problem where plots may change the data file they refer to after being pasted into a different layout (106936)
  56. Improved scaling of data grids when exporting to PDF on Mac (106961)
  57. Prevented a crash when appending in batch processing to an empty Excel file (106984)
  58. Fixed crash displaying hint image when hovering over plot in navigator (107020)
  59. Fixed a problem that could trigger a crash when viewing the data header (107026)
  60. Fixed crashes when updating compensation matrices (107049)
  61. Added permission checking to changing the magnification on plots using right-click. (107123)
  62. Pipeline scaling steps failed if applied to a parameter that was all constant values (107128)
  63. Sped up Multi-threaded unmixing when the computer has more than 2 cores (107191)
  64. Fixed crash when pressing Ctrl+z when the auto-comp parameter combo box was dropped down (107285)
  65. Fixed bug that startup script did not work on mac when selecting files (107340)
  66. Improved appearance of Well Gate window in High DPI displays (107374)
  67. Fixed crash when importing GatingML where gates referred to parent gates that were not yet defined (107398)
  68. Fixed "Argument out of range" crash that could happen during unmixing (107485)
  69. Fixed crash when replacing scatter gate on auto-unmixing setup (107487)
  70. Fixed crash loading certain ICE format files (107584)
  71. Changed auto-gating to use compensated data from plot if plot had compensation applied (107612)
  72. Fixed spurious error message that FlowSOM never converges (107708)
  73. Sped up applying iteration snapshots (107769)
  74. Fixed crash if invalid transformation was assigned to a plot (107772)
  75. Improved ability to cancel long running transformations by pressing Escape (107773)
  76. Fixed bug when deactivating the first endmember in the mixing matrix (107832)
  77. Updated the initial positioning of the Panel windows so that it will appear on-screen (107882)
  78. The security option to Disallow username in password was fixed (107939)
  79. Fixed bug where label text was cut off on new gate name form (107957)
  80. Fixed crash when running FlowAI on merged data (107962)
  81. Improved the positioning of new plots when using Multiple Duplicate and Next (107973)
  82. Fixed bug that matrix visualizers did not update if you manually changed compensation matrix (108014)
  83. Fixed bug that loaded compensation from Cytek raw spectral files (108814)
  84. Improved handling of embedded data when the layout is reloaded (108282)
  85. Fixed crash that sometimes happened with picture plots (108290)
  86. Fixed crash when replacing well gate (108449)
  87. Fixed some issues when loading a BioRad file that was exported from FCS Express (108526)
Version 7.12.0009 - April 6, 2022 (Mac-only)
Bug Fixes

  • FCS Express can now run in Macos 12.3 (108255)
Version 7.12.0007 - February 28, 2022

  • Added ability to create spectral parameters using regular expressions (104430)
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that certain points were not highlighting properly on Levey Jennings plots (104623)
  • Previously, merged spectra could be incorrect in some circumstances (106697)

Version 7.12.0005 - December 14, 2021

Important Upgrade Announcement


  1. FCS Express now supports macOS Monterey (105599)
  2. Improved error message when trying to insert a heat map and the high content add-on is not enabled (69308)
  3. Added right-click menu items to the Recent Files menu (70259)
  4. Added the ability to add multiple blank tubes at the same time (98360)
  5. Colorized backgrounds of SSM and CSI matrices based on the coefficient values (102721)
  6. Improved handling of compensation calculation error messages (105154)
  7. Added the ability to have control tubes at the beginning of a batch that do not change during the batch process (105279)
  8. Added the ability to control the spacing between stacked histograms (11652)
  9. Added the ability to return key-value pairs from R-based auto-gating scripts (104520)
  10. Improved speed of parameter heat maps with gated data (105112)
Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug where 2D plot labels on merged files were sometimes incorrect (105838)
  2. Improved GatingML importer to handle gates in a hierarchy (91296)
  3. Ensure cluster well gates did not fail due to creation on non-unique gate names (96587)
  4. Fixed a bug in parameter math when overwriting an existing parameter (100422)
  5. Fixed a bug when dragging and dropping to spreadsheet at high DPI (101157)
  6. Updated Active Logins report to include users who have not pinged in more than 10 minutes (102367)
  7. Fixed a problem when importing GatingML files with parent gates (102818)
  8. Fixed a problem that made it difficult to check the last item in a checklist (104077)
  9. Fixed a bug in exporting merged files after downsampling (104268)
  10. Fixed hyperlinks inside tables inside textboxes (104572)
  11. Validation was not being performed properly when extra spillover targets were changed (104908)
  12. Fixed a problem where images in text boxes inside plots were not always displayed (105274)
  13. Updated audit trail entries for changing parameters (105402)
  14. Fixed a crash when system level audit trail notifications were activated (105590)
  15. Changed default for the ConditionNumber spreadsheet function to be L2 (105712)
  16. Fixed a bug that the parameter selection dialog sometimes did not create correct plots for the selected parameters (105726)
  17. Fixed a bug in the previous release that layouts saved with Jaccard Similarity pipeline steps could not be re-opened (105803)
  18. Fixed the auto-update system. This will allow auto-updates to proceed in the release following 7.12.0005 (105864)
  19. Fixed a bug that could cause the compensation assigned to a data grid to be incorrect after copying from one layout and pasting into another layout (93602)
  20. Improved logging of saving to PDF and Powerpoint (98769)
  21. Prevented data grids from showing columns when there were errors in a transformation (100843)
  22. Fixed crash that could happen if pipeline steps did not specify an output parameter name (101055)
  23. Sped up changing negative control type on unmixing setup (104280)
  24. Fixed crash when checking "calculate matrix automatically" checkbox (104324)
  25. Fixed crash that could happen if an error dialog appeared during a drag drop operation (104642)
  26. Unmixing sample type was not always saved property when saving layout (104831)
  27. Fixed undo for data grid when "parameters by name" is active (105099)
  28. Fixed a bug that if you copied quad textboxes from one plot and pasted on another, the textboxes did not appear in the correct position (105137)
  29. Fixed a potential crash when moving a gate (105295)

Version 7.10.0007 - October 14, 2021


  1. Added ability to insert hyperlinks in textboxes (12604)
  2. Added Progress bar for transformations to show progress and allow cancellation (68895))
  3. Improved speed of loading Cytek data (96035)
  4. Improve automatic identification of compensation controls for BioRad files (97655)
  5. Only recreate parts of auto-comp/auto-unmixing layout that is required (98877)
  6. Stop loading/applying compensation to files that have identity matrix
  7. Created Jaccard similarity pipeline step
  8. Added Feature Selection pipeline step based on SD (100930)
  9. Added variance based parameter selection pipeline step (102358)
  10. Added ability to read large Sony files that have invalid FCS headers (102624)
  11. Improved speed of tSNE and UMAP (103270)
  12. Added feature for jumping to the datasource of a token (103347).
  13. Improved name of parameters created by feature extraction steps (104132)
  14. Fixed the order of displaying columns after merging files (99338)
  15. Finalized support for M1 CPUs (104082)
  16. Improved Python pipeline step so classification results could be used by downstream steps (103478)
  17. Improvements in config file licensing on Mac (103675)
  18. Reordered endmembers so that Autofluoresence parameters will be at the end (103284)
  19. Added RemoveExtension function (99422)
Bug Fixes

  1. When a Data specific gate is created by dragging a plot onto the Gate Navigator, the correct compensation is applied (82534)
  2. Fixed bug that could happen when saving layout right when navigators were collapsing (90619)
  3. Fixed bug that could lead to crash in histogram stats table (92013)
  4. Fixed bug that UTF-8 characters in keyword values were not read properly (94090)
  5. Fixed alignment when creating multi-plots (94774)
  6. Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging Data Specific Gates (96135)
  7. Fixed a problem that could cause the Multicycle and Proliferation fit overlays to be drawn in an incorrect scale after magnifying the resolution (96289)
  8. Fixed a problem with displaying Accuri plate data when options are set to remember parameters by name (96903)
  9. Sped up gates that were applied to downsampled tSNE data (97029)
  10. Prevent text boxes on plots from getting larger when the layout is loaded without data (97111)
  11. Previously, Excel reports created during batch processing were not always being opened at the end of the batch even if the checkbox for opening the file was checked (97612)
  12. Improved text for changes to layout status in audit trail log (98157)
  13. Fixed bug that data specific gates were lost if the data list was reorganized (98572)
  14. Clarified naming of "Copy FCS data to clipboard" permission (98816)
  15. Fixed bug that caused errors with markers if the layout was saved with one decimal separator and opened with another (99047)
  16. Fixed crash when trying to save layout with large amounts of embedded data (99148)
  17. Fixed applying Unmixing to merged Cytek data files (99457)
  18. Improve stability working with very large data files (99657)
  19. Improved speed of moving gates when Matrix Visualizer was present (99670)
  20. Gate downsampling steps did not use the correct data specific gate (99728)
  21. Fixed bug that adding many overlays to a parameter heatmap causes a big slowdown (99976)
  22. Fixed crash that could happen when deselecting parameters in Merge to Spectra pipeline step (100341)
  23. When adding histogram overlays, added "Duplicate" button, and for 2D overlays, renamed "Another" button to Duplicate (100820)
  24. Fixed bug that clicking in compensation matrix changed the coloring of the compensation cell (100839)
  25. Fixed a refresh problem in the Downsampling Algorithm step (100991)
  26. "Create KMeans Transformation" was not appearing in the security Permissions List (101004)
  27. Fixed a cutoff in the interface of the axis formatting category (101026)
  28. Fixed colors of the compensation matrix in a text box to match the colors in the compensation window grid (102015)
  29. Removed spurious error messages that were displayed after relocating files (102027)
  30. Page orientation changed after changing size control on ribbon (102084)
  31. Fixed bug where exported data had incorrect $TOT keyword following transformation (102096)
  32. Improved how visualizers work with older saved layouts (102219)
  33. Fixed crash if you had 2 graph layout methods for the same parameter in the same pipeline step (102639)
  34. Fixed bug that plots sometimes came up empty after relocating files (102763)
  35. Fixed a problem where exporting a PNG image of selected layout objects results in blank objects (102773)
  36. Fixed SSM to handle negative values more appropriately (102848)
  37. Improved tSNE Layout method pipeline step (102850)
  38. Fixed memory leak when cancelling a paste operation into a spreadsheet (102955)
  39. Gate views' expanded state were not being saved properly if they were on invisible pages (103084)
  40. Fixed bug to include error message if the "parameter to unmix" did not exist in all single stained control files (103130)
  41. Improved Error messages when cannot login to security database (103271)
  42. Fixed bug that blank parameter name suffixes on pipeline steps were not being saved (103336)
  43. Fixed bug that when adding or removing single stained controls caused plots to change (103283)
  44. Fixed bug Undo/Redo of adding item to single stained controls (103415)
  45. Fixed crash loading some layouts (103695)
  46. Fixed a problem with multiselecting plots on Macs with the M1 chip (103732)
  47. Fixed rare crash in UMAP (103863)
  48. Fixed a problem where data in a saved layout with automatic compensation could not be recompensated after loading (103998)
  49. Fixed crash that could occasionally happen with pipelines, related to multi-threading (104018)
  50. Fixed problem when multisiselcting incompatible Instrument Specific Settings (104049)
  51. Security rules were previously not enforced when using drag and drop to reorder the data list (104098)
  52. Fixed crash with Sony data (104124)
  53. Improved circular-reference checking when creating Gated Data Files to prevent the data from depending on itself, and preventing a stack overflow (104131)
  54. Changes to Step #5 in the auto-comp wizard did not automatically update the layout (104154)
  55. Updated the USB dongle drivers to make sure that FCS Express can communicate with the dongle on all computers. (104056)
  56. Fixed bug that expired internet dongle / site license config file was not being renewed properly (104250)
  57. Stop including autofluorescence controls in SSM and CSI matrices (104282)
  58. Spectral parameters created by pipeline now use biexponential as default scaling (104285)
  59. Undo did not work after changing the "recalculation matrix automatically" checkbox in the auto-compensation wizard (104319)
  60. Fixed crash that could happen when specifying a large number of color levels in a color palette (104339)
  61. Filter out all null values when getting the rows for the automatic compensations - previously some data files saved in layouts with automatic compensations could not be reloaded (104351)
  62. Fixed bug that 'User Name' and 'Reason for change' where not appearing in system audit trail reports (104380)
  63. Fixed a crash triggered by copying gates linked to markers to a new page (104484)
  64. Created specific user options for regression stats (104519)
  65. Fixed a bug where tokens inside text boxes that are put into edit mode temporarily change their values to a previous value (104589)
  66. Updated dongle drivers to remove dependency on Microsoft Visual C runtime library (104704)
  67. Fixed bug that plots would sometimes change parameters when compensation was recalculated (104800)
  68. Previously, tokens derived from gates linked to quadrants on plots from pages that had not yet been viewed after opening the layout might display ERROR or 0 (102014)
  69. Fixed crashes that could happen if the users temp folder was read-only (104947)
  70. In certain rare circumstances, dot plot image was placed in incorrect location on plot (104948)

Version 7.08.0018 - July 27, 2021


Transformations / Pipelines

  1. Added FlowCut algorithm (94486)
  2. Added "Batch SOM" algorithm (97420)
  3. Added Python integration pipeline step (97073)
  4. Added ability to use tSNE or UMAP to graph clusters (99164)
  5. Store Transformation Results within the layout when saving (40474)
  6. Added ability to filter parameters in pipeline steps (93339)
  7. Created KNN Pipeline Step (96033)
  8. Added LowTimeDensity downsampling (96074)
  9. Added ability to add suffix to tSNE parameter so you can have multiple tSNE in the same pipeline (96451)
  10. New MST graph layout (96649)
  11. Created pipeline steps to allow to fill a parameter with monotonically increasing values (96643)
  12. Adding pipeline steps that can generate random numbers in various distributions (96937)
  13. Added ability to apply scaling to all or checked parameters in non-pipeline transformations (97508)
  14. Add Gate Downsampling Pipeline Step (97724)
  15. Add Meta clustering as new parameter is now the default for SOM (97122)
  16. Root pipeline step has all parameters selected by default (98679)
  17. Changed FlowSOM to use the faster SOM algorithm (98537)


Compensation and Unmixing

  1. Compensation / Unmixing matrix automatically updates when gates/data changes (97551)
  2. SSM and CSI matrices automatically created via auto-comp and auto-unmixing (72061)
  3. Unmixing Matrix Visualizer is built automatically when the matrix is built (96800)
  4. Changing auto-comp/unmixing settings will only update layout items that have changed (92068)
  5. Build auto-comp/auto-unmixing layout automatically as setup changes (97914)


Speed and Performance

  1. Improved speed when adding tokens into spreadsheets (99948)
  2. Improved efficiency of loading layouts (98343)
  3. Improved performance with 384 well plates (88257)
  4. Implemented multi-threading for consensus clustering using Hierarchical Clustering (98509)
  5. Improved Speed of Radio Graph Layout method (96533)
  6. Changed code to use hyperthreaded cores (101539)


Spreadsheets and Charts

  1. Added Violin and Beeswarm plots (93626)
  2. Added Levey Jennings Plots (95948)
  3. Added UNIQUE function to spreadsheet (94089)
  4. Added condition number formula to spreadsheet (95793)
  5. Added ability to batch process to Internal Spreadsheet (95891)
  6. Added ability to hide all cell borders, column and row headers in spreadsheets (42790)
  7. Introduced Tukey Statistics into spreadsheet (88638)
  8. Fixed multi-line parameter labels on spreadsheets to use all leading lines with text (97802)
  9. Stopped showing minor tick marks on bar plots (98821)
  10. Implemented addition PDF and CDF functions in Spreadsheets (98826)
  11. Implemented PROB, PERCENTRANK.EXC, PERCENTRANK.INC, PERMUTATIONA functions in spreadsheet (98827)
  12. Implemented Frequency, Harmean, Kurt, TrimMean functions in spreadsheets (98828)


Security and Audit Trails

  1. Added ability to add rules to control permissions for signing/unsigning specific signatures (97994)



  1. Removed the dialog for finding and loading user profile files from previous versions (19557)
  2. Improved ability for gates created on one FCS file to be applied to data files with a different range of data (40892)
  3. Added ability to set background color for image columns in data grid (56908)
  4. Added option to control the "off page" color (67958)
  5. Allowed users to provide a custom denominator to calculate a percentage of an arbitrary gate (89219)
  6. Added User Option to specify the maximum font size for multiplots (93430)
  7. Created a new version 7 plot theme (93431)
  8. Improved parameter selection dialog that appears when inserting multi-plots (93219)
  9. Optionally display a dialog when creating markers to allow the user to name the markers (93711)
  10. Added ability to enter wavelength ranges for spectral merge via detector name instead of number (93836)
  11. Tokens will now be displayed in regular text instead of labels (94192)
  12. Improved the size of the layout messages dialog on high DPI systems (94932)
  13. Slightly modified channel calibration curve fitting (96672)
  14. Plots now display the parameter label even when not showing data, and the parameter can be changed (96826)
  15. Added ability to have well gates all use the same color (97198)
  16. Added ability to add Gated Data to Data List to facilitate batch processing across gates (97462)
  17. Improved gates so they are not cut off based on the plot they were originally drawn on (97670)
  18. Added tokens to return whether files in the data list are empty (98364)
  19. Stop showing decimals on the X axis of spectral plots (99502)
  20. Properly handle time parameter in FCS files exported from the Helios (95852)
  21. Introduced a new property to allow controlling which sides of text boxes are anchored to the sides of the plots (93812)
Bug Fixes

  1. Improved text in audit trail when a new gate is applied to an overlay on a plot (97828)
  2. Improved the wording of text boxes in logs, to include their context (97878)
  3. Fixed bug that ""overlay to show"" on spectral plots did not work properly when multiple plots (98089)
  4. Fixed a crash caused by referencing the same parameter twice in a parameter math formula (98165)
  5. Fixed crash when loading layouts under particular circumstances (98322)
  6. Appended compensation parameters will now use the maximum resolution value of the original parameters (98331)
  7. When plots axis options are set to use parameter label sets, the plots will now use the default options if the given parameter is not included in the label set (98334)
  8. Fixed crash that occurred when loading layouts with data files that has keywords of the form Px (98451)
  9. Fixed crash when resizing nodes on parameter and gate heatmaps (98587)
  10. Fixed bug that data specific gates were lost when loading a new iteration into the data list (98595)
  11. Fixed bug where files from FacsAria were incorrectly treated as if they were index sort files (98612)
  12. Fixed a regression that prevented importing Diva experiments (99046)
  13. Fixed a crash that could occur when changing a histogram to a Multicycle plot (99050)
  14. Fixed bug that DSG were sometimes lost on relocated data (99065)
  15. Scaling pipeline step did not remember "automatic" setting upon reloading the layout (99112)
  16. Fixed bug when applying thresholding pipeline step to spectral data (99130)
  17. Fixed a crash that could occur when remembering scaling by data parameter with histograms (99259)
  18. Fixed bug that legend on visualizer scatter plot would change when the layout was re-loaded (99265)
  19. Fixed bug that unmixing spreadsheet shows all error if there is a column with an error (99266)
  20. Fixed crash that could happen with consensus clustering (99340)
  21. Fixed an error dialog that could appear after upgrading a network installation (99356)
  22. Fixed intermittent crash when right clicking on navigator frames (99360)
  23. Added detailed logging for changes to transformation properties (99409)
  24. Fixed crash when dragging and dropping across pages (99506)
  25. Fixed Crash when Deleting a gate from the gate Navigator (99507)
  26. Fixed bug that compensation matrices became all zero after data was relocated (99515)
  27. Improved Undo in pipelines (99637)
  28. Fixed crash in pipelines when there are no pages on the layout (99652)
  29. Fixed a crash that could be triggered by using Parameter Scaling Associations with manual access scalings (99961)
  30. Fixed bug where parameter heatmaps were sometimes blank after reloading (100007)
  31. Fixed bug when inserting compensation tokens when matrix was not defined (100098)
  32. Fixed updating empty heatmaps after loading a plate (100114)
  33. Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a layout with plots using a compensation that no longer exists (100201)
  34. Fixed a crash that could be triggered by dropping a non-parameter-specific statistic for multiple gates into a spreadsheet (100375)
  35. Improved speed of saving layouts when there were transformations in the layout (100421)
  36. Fixed bug with selecting parameters after transformation drag and drop (100461)
  37. Marker creation form now starts with the OK button enabled (100597)
  38. Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a BD FacsDiva experiment file into a compensation, when the options are set to not allow them (100718)
  39. Relocation dialog for Multi file fcs reader was not appearing when one of the individual fcs files was missing (100850)
  40. Fixed crash in UMAP when number of neighbours is high (100889)
  41. Removed ability to add parameters in compensation matrix editor (101010)
  42. Merged FCS files with different PnB would give strange results (101077)
  43. Prevent a crash that could occur when loading large data files (102093)
  44. Improved memory usage in tSNE algorithm (102132)
  45. Fixed a crash that could occur after opening a saved layout with the formatter open, then subsequently inserting a spreadsheet (102323)
  46. Fixed a potential crash when switching categories in the formatter or switching selected plots (102526)
  47. Fixed Crash with UMAP when there were too many events (102587)
  48. Improved high-resolution display of pipeline steps settings (102813) not released yet
  49. SSM CSI and visualized matrix show up as blank if you don't first open the compensation navigator (103167) not released yet
  50. Fixed a bug about parameters being lost in unmixing wizard after reopening layout (96247)
  51. Fixed a bug where having different legend text on multiple overlays could cause the values to be cleared when multi-selecting the overlays in the formatter (96443)
  52. Fixed bug that scatter parameters in the auto-compensation wizard would revert to the incorrect parameters when changing controls (96453)
  53. Fixed bug where startup scrips did not remember selected parameters when going backwards in the wizard (96454)
  54. Changed extension for user exportable/importable preferences files (96492)
  55. Added support for MSOLEDBSQL and TLS1.2 (96525)
  56. bars were not appearing on bar plots after dragging token onto empty bar plot (96751) wrong number
  57. fixed crash when copying/pasting markers from auto-comp plots (96694)
  58. Fixed bug that not all heat maps used parameter names from "parameter labels" (96803)
  59. Improved the way FCS Express calculates the biex values in certain data distributions (97246)
  60. Fixed bug that column headers from dropped tokens did not always reflect the correct parameter names (97316)
  61. Fixed a crash that could occur when linking quads to gates (97318)
  62. fixed bug that conditional batch processing actions did not save results properly if they were not active in the last iteration of the batch (97504)
  63. Fixed crash after moving a gate that was created on a log-log plot when displaying on a linear plot and moving it to a region below zero (97526)
  64. Fixed a bug that could lead custom tokens to not be deletable in the custom token list (97730)
  65. Increased the delay to make it easier to enter information in spin edits (97761)
  66. Improved speed of batch processing to PowerPoint (97809)
  67. Newly introduced stats were not appearing properly in the menu of old layouts (95838)
  68. Added Display name suffix for Normalization and 0-1 Scaling steps. (94858)
  69. Prompting for filename when inserting spectral plot, even if top most data had spectral parameter (94869)
  70. Previously, when creating files during batch processing, if the file couldn't be overwritten and had to be saved as a different name, then after batch processing the incorrect file was opened (95055)
  71. Fixed bug that some properties of the Flow Rate Check pipeline step were not being saved when saving a layout (95551)
  72. Fixed captions on report frames (95687)
  73. Fixed rare crash that could occur on Mac when requesting password (95774)
  74. No gate will be at the top of the list of gates in drop-down combo boxes (95790)
  75. Corrected typo in "Fluidigm" (94229)
  76. Fixed bug when copying a plot to the clipboard when there were a lot of plots on the layout (94336)
  77. Bar plot labels will now apply the decimal formatting from spreadsheets (93916)
  78. Fixed some cases where text boxes with tokens in them did not properly resize when the token changed (93721)
  79. Fixed bug that a Version 6 layout would crash when opening in Version 7 (93699)
  80. fixed text on descriptions in spreadsheet formatting frames (93301)
  81. Improved speed opening compensation window for loaded layouts (93473)
  82. Improved the way ticks are displayed on spectrum plots (93516, 81760)
  83. Fixed the way percentile ranges are applied when loading data through instrument-specific settings (93523)
  84. Improved error handling in the case where performing transformations on data files that are missing parameters selected in the template (93557)
  85. Fixed a problem that could cause text boxes to temporarily not update after they have been added to a batch processing export (92395)
  86. Fixed bug where you could sometimes not drag and drop after opening a plot (92729)
  87. Fixed bug that you could not delete the default user if it was not the first user in the user list (92806)
  88. Fixed bug that undoing a parameter change forced a transformation to recalculate even if auto-update was off (93153)
  89. Fixed pasting into transformation options window (89475)
  90. The default for new plots will be for gates that are at the edge of the plot's resolution range is changing to not include events that are out of range of the data (91343)
  91. Fixed bug that you can link markers to existing non-marker gates (91682)
  92. Improved logging text (83801)
  93. Improved the Divide Axis Labels option (71394)
  94. Fixed bug that certain actions were still allowed on Data Specific gates even if the user did not have allow gate edit permission (75372)
  95. Improved speed of dragging/dropping tokens into a spreadsheet (76036)
  96. Fixed bug where Data specific gates did not disappear from plots if you replaced the gated with a replacement that had different parameters (78921)
  97. When selecting stats from multiple gates to drag in spreadsheet, do not duplicate non gate related stats (80364)
  98. Fixed crash when selecting all columns in a spreadsheet and pressing delete (82020)
  99. Prevented a rare crash that could have occurred after reloading a layout saved in an inconsistent state (82282)
  100. Fixed a problem that could cause a gate to move after it's been dragged out of a plot to create a new plot (83532)
  101. Fixed a crash that could occur when pasting multiple plots off a page (95897)
  102. Fixed a bug that caused titles to be doubled on heatmaps (95877)
Version 7.06.0015 - January 27, 2021 (View Recorded Webinar)

  1. Ability to create pipelines to analyze high-dimensional cytometry data (View Recorded Webinar)
  2. Ability to add pre-defined algorithms to the pipeline
  3. Ability to add Downsampling steps to the pipeline
  4. Ability to add Dimensionality Reduction steps to the pipeline
  5. Ability to add Clustering steps to the pipeline
  6. Ability to add Visualization steps to the pipeline
  7. Ability to add Mathematical steps to the pipeline
  8. Ability to add Quality Control steps to the pipeline
  9. Ability to group pipeline steps into folder
  10. Ability to perform Unmixing as a step in the pipeline
  11. Ability to remove unwanted parameter from a dataset (Parameter Removal pipeline step)
  12. Ability to create virtual bandpass filter on spectral data
  13. Added ability to create virtual spectra with non-spectral data (View Recorded Webinar)
  14. Axis scaling can now be associated with data parameters across all plots in a layout (91471)
  15. Compensation default order in the User Options has been changed to "Compensation Default, then FCS file" (93427)
  16. Provide an option to allow to append compensated parameters (both as User Option and as Layout Option) (97620)
  17. Added ability to plot date/time data and have dates along the axes (70663)
  18. Added ability to plot classification data directly on 2D plots (92974)
  19. Added the ability to create multiple well/classification gates from a heat map (74677)
  20. Added ability to export a file with classifications (either merged file or file with clustering) into separate files based on the classification (90289)
  21. Improved speed of startup on the network version (94990)
  22. Added ability to reload (Refresh) all open data files (92832)
  23. Added ability to rename endmembers in Unmixing matrix (93643)
  24. Added color palette designed to hide outliers (91897)
  25. Ability to plot Normalized Spectral with the Umixing Matrix Visualizer
  26. Allow dragging and dropping quads to a spreadsheet to insert quad statistics (91150)
  27. Added ability to drop quads onto batch action reports (71988)
  28. Plot legend can now be displayed in the statistics window for that plot (92964)
  29. Added option for adjusting the size of nodes in Spade and cluster plots (82181)
  30. Spreadsheet options now default to use the first row as column titles (93426)
  31. Improved hint system for adding spreadsheet formulas (93030)
  32. Sped up CSV export (93452)
  33. Enhanced Security System to log all events in UTC (93736)
  34. Added ability to specify a max value for scaling in instrument specific settings (90947)
  35. Parameters on plots will no longer be automatically updated when the new number of parameters is different from the previous (93825)
  36. New default for histogram smoothing is now 10, except for fit plot (93425)
  37. Added ability to append a custom suffix to the end of the axis title when channel calibration is applied (73196)
  38. Improved interpretation of non-standard $VOL keyword from Cytek instruments (93690)
  39. Added ability to read incorrect $VOL keyword in ZE5 files (97398)
  40. Added ability in Startup Script to change the template file for a transformation (90934)
  41. Added delays to editing the Multicycle formatting fields (91062)
  42. Added right click to parameter selection menu in transformation steps (91476)
  43. Fixed drop-down buttons on Data List to add files by default (91676)
  44. Improve compression for saved layouts (91691)
  45. Made spectral plots generated by unmixing layout builder wider (92840)
  46. Removed Low Bound and High Bound from the default set of visible stats on histograms (93428)
  47. Enhanced image loading to support 32-bit floating point grayscale images (93505)
  48. Improved the layout of plot legends (96010)
  49. Added ability to read Amnis version 6.3 files (96034)
  50. Improved speed of Arch graph layout method (96281)
  51. Improved Insert Function dialog on the spreadsheet (93752)
  52. Better handling of failed pings to the internet dongle servers (97578)
  53.  System Level Audit Trails
Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed category name of Axis category to Axes (55527)
  2. fixed bug that sometimes a plot would not update if it was based on a gated transform and the gate moved (78897)
  3. Hid parameter name in gate heat map when parameter independent stats are displayed (81211)
  4. Fixed bug that sometimes when opening V6 layouts in V7, quad tokens display ERROR (81588, 95703)
  5. Resolved problem with copying and pasting from spreadsheet when comma is the the decimal separator (82056)
  6. Fixed bug that modified FCS files did not always prompt to save when closing the layout (82209)
  7. Speed improvements for gate heat maps (82672)
  8. Previously, undoing then redoing inserting tokens from data files in custom token formulas resulted in not being able to display the result (84361)
  9. Fixed bug in loading quads with biexponential scaling from certain V4 layouts (90059)
  10. Fixed crash when double clicking in array formula area in spreadsheet (90434)
  11. Fixed bug where spreadsheets that contained non-standard excel formula could not be imported by Excel (90435)
  12. Fixed bug where files added using the "All FCS File" and "Regular FCS file" were not being recognized as the same file (90445)
  13. Sped up drawing of spectral plots (90528)
  14. Fixed bugs undoing gate changes for gates that were auto-created in auto-comp when undoing auto-comp changes for gates created by the auto comp (90608)
  15. Stacked Y-axis overlays can now use a common axis title instead of each having their own (90804)
  16. Previously, attempted to invoke a feature that the license was not permitted for could result in an error message dialog that made it impossible to close the program (90805)
  17. Improved crash when clicking quickly in the data list (90840)
  18. Fixed a crash that could occur after dragging a regression plot onto a non-regression plot (90993)
  19. Contour plots will now be able to color events based on parameter values (91042)
  20. Fixed bug where layouts with a lot of plots and textboxes loaded slowly and consumed a lot of memory (91081)
  21. Updated axis tick label drawing to make sure that labels are shown (91084)
  22. Fixed High res display issue for instrument specific settings (91136)
  23. Fixed a crash that could occur when copying and pasting multiple tokens in a spreadsheet (91154)
  24. Fix how multiple overlay contour plots display their legend (91155)
  25. Added ability to enter decimal points in resolution max/min (91223)
  26. Made sure that data-specific gates can get created when using the shift key while dragging a gate (91270)
  27. Fixed crash when drawing gate that has NAN vertices (91316)
  28. Percentage stats on cluster heat maps will now be calculated as a percent of the entire population, not just of the particular cluster (91336)
  29. Fixed "next" text cut off in Overlays formatting dialog (91345)
  30. fixed cut-off label in the User Options -<Miscellaneous Options (91347)
  31. Improved error message when trying to connect to security database with sufficient database permissions (91371)
  32. Fixed crash when you start resizing something on the layout and releasing the mouse above a navigator (91372)
  33. Fixed bug that loading layouts with electronic signatures applied in non-secure version would crash (91388)
  34. Fixed bug that certain errors in the Multicycle fit would get recurring popup messages (91390)
  35. Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a layout where a plot had markers with undefined endpoints (91399)
  36. Improved automatic marker positioning for auto-compensation and unmixing (91401)
  37. Improved how unmixing token table defaulted their normalization type (91405)
  38. Fixed a problem with appending to PowerPoint presentations when an invalid filename was specified (91464)
  39. Fixed a bug where removing columns in a spreadsheet could cause the wrong columns to be removed, if the columns had previously been reordered (91474)
  40. crash when dragging text box on custom token editor when no custom token is selected (91477)
  41. Fixed bug that export split combo box on data export was coming up blank if there was no classification parameter in the data file (91492)
  42. fixed cut off text in the Export dialog (91493)
  43. Columns heatmap tables now properly reflect file names for merged fcs files (91504)
  44. Fixed bug in Kernel Density downsampling that would cause a crash in certain circumstances (91511)
  45. Fixed a crash that could occur if a spreadsheet cell is being edited while another plot gets inserted on the page (91525)
  46. Fixed bug where compensation sliders did not work on compensation matrices imported from FlowJo (91562)
  47. Fixed bug where expanding the compensation/unmixing matrix windows could be slow (91578)
  48. Fixed a problem that could cause a crash if the batch runner window was open when the layout was closed.
  49. Fixed bug that updating config file from server was not downloaded if the local confirm file expired (91651)
  50. Fixed bug where unmixing parameters could not be selected in stats token editor (91679)
  51. Fixed bugs that unmixed parameters were not available for selection when adding parameter overlays (91680)
  52. Fixed a memory leak in loading data files (91802)
  53. Fixed a memory leak in retrieving a file list via SFTP (91803)
  54. Fixed crash that could happen when trying to load corrupted preferences file (91918)
  55. Fixed bug that Time parameter was sometimes shown on log scale for cytek data (92156)
  56. If a data grid was gated on a gate, and the gate was deleted, the data grid would appear empty (92157)
  57. Fixes to handling published layouts resaved in FCS Express Reader (92168)
  58. Removed unnecessary warning message when saving a published layout in Reader (92198)
  59. Fixed bug that data grid highlighting was not consistent when "defer iteration changes" was on (92241)
  60. Fixed bug when multi-selecting gates and moving them in gate hierarchy could cause a crash (92303)
  61. Fixed crash when doing Tsne with 2 parameters selected (92368)
  62. Fixed crash inserting Parameter Heat map table if parameters were missing in some of the overlays (92446)
  63. Fixed crash when you types into the first column of the compensation/unmixing matrix (92741)
  64. Fixed bug in drag and drop system that could break under 64 bit (92748)
  65. Fixed a crash when dragging multiple data files to create tokens in a spreadsheet
  66. Improved matching of unstained controls in mixing matrix to their correct samples (92883)
  67. Fixed bug that you could not reload layouts that had unmixing tokens in a spreadsheet (92963)
  68. Previously, text boxes did not always resize to accommodate enlarged tokens after the value of those tokens was modified elsewhere in the program (93035)
  69. Fixed crash when building unmixing layout where some files had different parameter orders (93175)
  70. Fixed a crash that could occur soon after loading in old layouts (93447, 98058)
  71. Fixed crash when trying to insert tokens into array formula regions (93503)
  72. Fixed bug where manually applying unmixing to stat token sometimes gave wrong results (93571)
  73. Fixed bug where Inserting/Deleting Columns and Rows in Array Formulas Crash FCS Express (93639)
  74. Fixed the link displayed in potential error messages in the C6 importer (93684)
  75. Fixed bug where deleting a gate that a data grid was gated on did not cause the data grid to refresh properly (93717)
  76. Fixed a problem with specific layouts that led to them being unable to be loaded (93745)
  77. Fixed crash in unmixing setup when no positive controls were selected (93757)
  78. Fixed bug where scaling formula was incorrectly applied to time parameter (93844)
  79. Removed warning about invalid spillover keyword with just one parameter (94016)
  80. Improved the ability for FCS Express to use files with very long paths (94075)
  81. Fixed bug where max number of invalid password attempts was not respected (94183)
  82. Fixed crash when calculating stats on a file that has no events (94386)
  83. Fixed crash in automatic peak detection with data piled up in first channel (94397)
  84. Fixed crash when copying an overlay item from a navigator (94497)
  85. Improved ability to relocate single stained control files in auto-comp/unmixing (94630)
  86. Transformation drop down list on overlay formatting category did not refresh when transformations where changed (94650)
  87. Fixed the direction of movement when dragging the corners of marker gates (94745)
  88. Added ability to calculate SD and robust SD related statistics on calibrated data (94959)
  89. Fixed crash when closing layout when spreadsheet autocomplete window was open (95052)
  90. Fixed bug that dragging regression plot onto regular plot would copy the regression overlays (95096)
  91. Previously, changing the display type of a token was not undoable (95114)
  92. Fixed bug where compensation wizard would give erroneous warning if negative controls where not specified last (95158)
  93. Previously, if multiple density plots were formatted together, then viewing the Specific Options category could cause them to change without making an explicit change in properties (95603)
  94. Fixed "parent does not have control" crash that could happen (95835)
  95. Fixed bug occasional bug that could happen when moving docking navigators (95962)
  96. Fixed a crash that could occur on layouts with a large set of data files in the list and a large number of gates and batch iterations. (96021)
  97. Fixed bug that Gate change permission was not changed properly when modifying DSG (96154)
  98. Fixed crash in parameter heat maps if no data was loaded (96362)
  99. Fix crash in KMeans if you have more than 50,000 cells and run kmeans multiple times (96512)
  100. Set the default for associating axis scaling with parameters to true (96822)
  101. Fixed bug that radius parameter was disabled when non-parameter requiring stat was selected (96843)
  102. Fixed a crash that could occur after switching a regular histogram to be a Multicycle plot, then deleting a marker (96910)
  103. Prevented a crash that could occur in rare cases when loading old layouts with multiple pages showing statistics (97141)
  104. Fixed bug wheres spillover coefficients from ZE5 instruments were sometimes a factor of 100 off (97221)
  105. Fixed a crash that could occur in cases when multi-selecting plots and the quadrants formatter is open (97327)
  106. Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a combo box for a custom token if there are no list entries defined (97505)
  107. Fixed bug that intermittently happened on 64 bit release when dealing with dongle drivers (97628)
Version 7.04.0014 - March 30, 2020 (RUO) - April 27, 2020 (IVD)

  1. New functions added to custom token formulas for reporting Channel Calibration details (68191)
  2. Added the ability to search through parameter lists in transformations (69934)
  3. added ability to import Flowjo exported compensation matrices (72417)
  4. Added ability to overlay contour plots (75398)
  5. Security users now store their creation date (81797)
  6. Added parameter heat maps (81998)
  7. Added new multiplot feature to show plots with color by parameter for each parameter (82004)
  8. Moved some of the data loading options, such as LogStartMode, DisplayNameSource and MatchingNameSource, into the instrument specific settings (82018)
  9. Added option about which Cytek files to load (82289)
  10. Fixed error message to be more useful in Auto-Comp setup (83186)
  11. Formatting changes that cause warnings can now be applied to plots instead of being treated as errors (84072)
  12. Introduced unmixing and auto-unmixing (87354, 90045)
  13. Allow import of gatingML files (89088)
  14. Added ability to change the gate line width on a gate by gate basis (89215)
  15. improved PDF stability (89735)
  16. Added integration with R to allow to adjust gates via R in between iterations (89988)
  17. Edit field in KMeans properties now has delayed application (90061)
  18. Added new customer token IsCurrentUserMemberOf (90076)
  19. Made "allow self logout" the default for new users (90087)
  20. Sped up the program when moving gates when the gate navigator is open (90128)
  21. Improved speed of exact local density calculator (90276)
  22. Added red-green gradient palette for heat maps (90284)
  23. Implemented Opt-tSNE (90345)
  24. Added typing delay to the Legend text editor in the overlays category (90399)
  25. Added security code for enabling or disabling batch action (90409)
  26. Fixed bug where parameters from Helios files were defaulting to biex and not linear (90581)
  27. Improved Merge FCS loading options so it was available for every specific instrument (91157)
  28. Added instrument-specific settings for CYTOF (91505)
Bugs Fixes

  1. Fixed bug that if you were hiding the error bar line by setting the line style to "no line", the Y axis was still adjusting as if the error bars were being drawn (67530)
  2. Stopped showing multiple error messages if inserting gates/makers when user does not have permission to show errors (12398)
  3. Fixed alternating highlight color in data list so that it was not confused with the inactivated selection color (18745)
  4. Fixed bug that the axis scaling on spectral plots with multiple overlays was not correct (75221)
  5. In cases with where pie charts overlapped other plots, changing data on the other plots sometimes resulted in only a portion of the pie chart being redrawn (77023)
  6. Fixed mouse wheel scrolling on format screens (80276)
  7. Now able to insert multiple tokens in the title field when several plots are selected together (81206)
  8. Erased old spillover keyword when exporting data so data was not compensated twice upon reload. (81272)
  9. Data can now be changed in the Reader on published layouts if the publisher has granted permission (81652)
  10. Improved error message when trying to export merged files as FCS (82528)
  11. Fixed flickering when typing into treeview node editors (83932)
  12. fixed crash in Weighted density downsampling (88087)
  13. Fixed a bug where the resolution of exported parameters would sometimes change when doing batch export (88211)
  14. Added functionality to auto-detect the LDAP settings from the users local computer (88272)
  15. Fixed bug that the "modify contents of a data file" permission was not always respected when editing spreadsheets (88607)
  16. Gate heatmaps now display percentage statistics relative to the full sample, rather than relative to only the subset (88644)
  17. Fixed bug that the "color based on" drop-down was still available when converting a density plot to contour plot (88858)
  18. Improved code to not perform transformations for plots on invisible pages when layout loads (88888)
  19. Fixed alignment of axis labels with the center (89000)
  20. Permissions for creating new plots are now checked when dragging data files from the Data Navigator onto a blank part of the layout (89203)
  21. enhanced ability to allow to easily open multiple plots from the same spreadsheet (89515)
  22. Enhanced ability to delete invalid config files from the config wizard (89658)
  23. Added ability for Configuration file Setup Wizard to show serial number of available demo downloads (89888)
  24. Fixed bug where dragging gate, marker, or plot to Batch Actions Excel Action results in all gates being selected in Edit Statistics dialog (89924)
  25. Fixed a refreshing problem in the Parameters to Display formatting category that occurred after inserting a new data grid (90053)
  26. Fixed text for "compensation to use" in layout info and user options (90097)
  27. Y Axis labels are now changed to be horizontal when the overlays are stacked while adding overlays (90098)
  28. Fixed tab order on marker frame (90138)
  29. Fixed resetting the toolbar to default state (90143)
  30. Adding ability to change the "category" of box and whisker plots by clicking on the axis titles (90151)
  31. Fixed bug where Multicycle plot id not refresh after changing the model (90166)
  32. In legend text field, added delayed editing, and in Gate Heatmap overlays formatting, reduced the number of times all overlays get automatically selected (90232)
  33. Fixed formatting screens for box and whisker plot to make it clearer which options were being applied (90262)
  34. Properly centered the Group names in box and whisker plots (90263)
  35. Fixed a crash that could occur when inserting a marker if a formatter window was open on the markers category (90265)
  36. Fixed audit trail to entries for changes to "Compensation to use" to more closely match the user interface (90286)
  37. Fixed the spacing for axis title width to make sure that each title in stacked histograms can be read (90375)
  38. Fixed fonts on compensation matrix screen so modified compensation matrix values are underlined instead of being red (90398)
  39. Fixed bug where the parameter names in the parameter selection dialog for multi-plots would sometimes be incorrect (90401)
  40. Make sure that when the user does not have permissions for modifying transformations, that the transformation window doesn't become unresponsive (90451)
  41. Fixed Labkey to conform with new requirement for CORS authentication (90476)
  42. Fixed a crash that occurred when setting the biex value of a plot too high using the slider (90484)
  43. Fixed crash that happened when deleting the last control on autoComp frame and extra targets were visible (90493)
  44. Fixed crash when performing undo after deleting auto compensation control when extra targets checklist is showing (90500)
  45. Mouse scroll wheel now works correctly in the formatting windows (90557)
  46. Improved logging for dragging gates to new locations in the gating hierarchy (90562)
  47. Fixed bug in tSNE algorithm where momentum switch occured one iteration after exaggeration ended (90573)
  48. Fixed crash that occured when typing a value > 100% in the overlay transparency edit box 90574)
  49. Fixed a crash that could occur when cutting a histogram subtraction plot (90578)
  50. Prevented a crash that could occur when dragging and dropping a batch action while batch processing was running (90605)
  51. Fixed bug that Diva importer did not respect "do not show this choice again" (90614)
  52. Fixed a crash that could occur when inserting a spectrum plot if the formatter is open and displaying the Axes category (90615)
  53. Fixed crash when exporting a text box as RTF via the batch actions and the text box was not on a currently showing page (90617)
  54. Fixed bug that "create output folder" checkbox was not visible on MacOS (90634)
  55. Made Batch Export window shorter (90635)
  56. Fixed crash in autocomp setup for certain data files (90726)
  57. Fix bug in auto-comp wizard when building auto-comp gates in the case that there were duplicated parameter names in the data file (90743)
  58. Fixed bug where FCS Express froze on Mac when opening the manual from the Help menu (90778)
  59. Fixed a crash that could occur in the Overlays formatting category occur when clicking on the Reorder or Remove buttons quickly (90816)
  60. Fixed that the wrong number of days left in demo was reported in Help->about (90837)
  61. Fixed crash when trying to log in without specifying a user name (90848)
  62. Fixed bug where you could not type into the spin edit on the zoom form (90860)
  63. Improved error message when an FCS file with an invalid spillover matrix (90887)
  64. Fixed scaling of Cytek data in rare cases that had huge negative values (90962)
  65. Fixed a crash that could be triggered when changing data files on a data grid using the right-click menu, while a layout navigator is open (91000)
  66. Fixed spelling mistake in Cytek Instrument specific settings (91028)
  67. fixed crash when copying Box and Whisker plots to the clipboard (91032)
  68. Fixed a bug that could prevent loading layouts saved in version 6, if the layouts had data-specific marker gates (91044)
  69. Fixed crash in kinetics plots where there was only a single data point in a given time slice (91077)
  70. Fixed bug where spectral Exclusion gates did not return the correct results (91092)
  71. Fixed spelling mistake in instrument specific settings dialog (91137)
  72. fixed crash when inserting multiple tokens and not specifying the stat to use (91151)
  73. Fixed bug that outlier dot size for contour plot overlays did not match what it said on format screen (91156)
  74. Fixed bug where histograms did not graph data with small data range properly (91177)
  75. Fixed crash when loading compensation files with unrecognized extensions (91212)
  76. Fixed bug importing compensation matrix files if the parameter names contained a space (91217)
  77. Fixed bug that anonymizer user interface did not always reflect the current settings in the layout (91267)
  78. If scatter plots were overlapping with data plots, then when you switched data iterations, the scatter plots did not always update immediately (91275)
  79. Fixed memory leak in parsing Sony spectral data (91303)
  80. Fix Instrument Specific settings for ZE5 instrument (91329)
  81. Enhanced ZE5 instrument specific settings to have more accurate division factor (91333)
  82. Fixed sizing of Biexponential options (91389)
Version 7.01.0018 - November 5, 2019 (RUO Only)

  1. FCS Express 7 now supports MacOS Catalina
  2. Range max and min fields now allow delays before values are applied to the plot (84311)
  3. Added ability for user to control the minimum peak threshold in Proliferation fitting (88445)
  4. Added ability to select parameters to use for NxN plots (88535)
  5. Added expiration date to the about box (88836)
  6. Improved speed of KMeans for large datasets (88963)
  7. Added serial number to message about renewals. (89073)
  8. Added Box and whisker plots (72757)
  9. Added visual indicator and tokens denoting that a compensation matrix has been manually adjusted (79985)
  10. Changed scatter gate plots from auto-compensation wizard to be density plots (79931)
  11. Allowed choosing Y-axis title type on stacked-overlay plots at the time of parameter addition (81764)
  12. Added ability to run KMeans multiple times with random initial guesses to find the best result (89478)
  13. If, when creating NxN plots you specify file name in legend, the legend now appears automatically (89900)
  14. Fixed default minimum cluster percent for SPADE to 0.1% (83857)
  15. Added ability to shift+click to select multiple checkboxes in checkListBoxes at once on Windows (89469)
  16. Added Gate Color and overlay color to statistics window (19100)
  17. Allowed using the slider in the biex formatting category for values > 10000 (89214)
  18. Improved speed of downsampling (89494)
  19. Converted the error logging window a floating/dockable window (89875)
  20. Added option to KMeans whether or not to use results that did not converge (89876)
  21. Improved LDAP integration to work against a wider variety of authentication options (89175)
Bug Fixes

  1. Full sessions report was not previously reporting correct session time and hour sum (88579)
  2. Legend text on Gates heat map will now properly display FCS Express-related keywords (88609)
  3. Fixed a bug that a new spreadsheet could be inserted even if you did not have permission (88670)
  4. Fixed bug where people spreadsheet cells could be changed even without permissions (88671)
  5. When adding data files is prohibited due to security permission settings, made the error message clearer (88673)
  6. Fixed bug that empty permission rules formula were evaluated as True (88717)
  7. Added ability to specify Sender name, Reply to and Sender email to notification emails (89113)
  8. Fixed bug where security notifications were missing the merge data (89139)
  9. Added option to not try to merge spectral data file when loading Cytek data (89191)
  10. Fixed crash when autocomp is run on spectral data file where preferences are set for extra spectra parameters to be deleted (89239)
  11. Fixed bug where Failed Logins where being logged when LDAP Single Sign On was being used (89604)
  12. Improved speed when resizing plots with textboxes (81231)
  13. Fixed bug where the text on the channel calibration tool is wrong at high DPI (81256)
  14. Increased width of autocompensation list boxes to accomodate longer file names (83159)
  15. Fixed bug that Target Density Downsampling would return different results if using different numbers of threads (87525)
  16. Layout history entries for changes to channel calibration plot settings were improved (88309)
  17. Fixed bug getting time zone on Mac under certain circumstances (89923)
  18. Data Export dialog was previously losing the file type extension in some circumstances (75318)
  19. Fixed bug where width parameters in Cytek data were not deleted properly. (89834)
  20. Fixed Layout icon on Mac (89971)
  21. Improved error message when loading invalid Amnis XML files (88486)
  22. Enabled obtaining a network countercode from any computer running FCS Express (89732)
  23. Fixed a crash that could occur when pasting a countercode obtained via the web site (89788)
  24. Hid Color Scaling combo box for Color Levels that do not support color scaling (89797)
  25. Speed up drawing of the gate navigator when there are large numbers of gates (89800)
  26. Fixed bug that density plots created for auto-compensation setup did not use outlier mode from the user preferences (90024)
  27. Improved how SPADE tries multiple attempts at K-means (90047)
  28. Fixed the URL in the configuration wizard for obtaining a config file manually (90081)
  29. Fixed a crash that happened when you apply a snapshot and the snapshot is trying to modify gates to display for a plot that had been deleted (90094)
  30. Fixed a crash that could occur when switching axes between hyperlog and log scale formulas, and back (90107)
  31. Optimizated formatter refreshes (89844)
  32. Fixed bug where certain images could not be loaded on mac (89863)
  33. If the Matching name did not match the display name, you could not change parameters on plots (89896)
  34. Fixed a crash that could happen when deleting a page with a plot where the stats grid is on another page (89921)
  35. Fixed crash when that happened when magnifying plots (89969)
  36. Fixed crash when clipboard had invalid data (89970)
  37. Fixed bug that you could load new data files into a layout even if you did not have permission to do so (89663)
Version 7.00.0037 - August 11, 2019 (RUO Only)
Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the address that FCS Express uses to communicate with the internet dongle server
Version 7.00.0035 - August 11, 2019 (RUO Only)

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