Webinars with FCS Express Partners

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Learn about the basics of spectral cytometry and how to work with spectral data sets from Cytek instruments in FCS Express 7.

- Differentiate Conventional and Spectral Cytometry
- Explore Full Spectrum Signatures
- Utilize and Format Spectrum Plots 

6 mins
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With the release of 21 CFR Part 11 compliance ready software for Invitrogen™ Attune™ flow cytometers and De Novo Software’s continued support for compliance, scientists now have a complete end-to-end GxP flow cytometry acquisition and analysis solution at hand. The latest collaboration between Thermo Fisher Scientific and De Novo Software allows for FCS Express to read specialty .TMO file types created by the Attune to ensure the highest degree of data integrity. Join the teams from Thermo Fisher Scientific and De Novo Software on this webinar to learn more about GxP solutions to help labs meet 21 Part 11 compliance when working with Attune and FCS Express systems.

 60 mins
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Advancing Tissue Cytometry from Image to Results with TissueGnostics and FCS Express

TissueGnostics and De Novo Software have collaborated by combining expertise in Image Cytometry. This webinar teaches researchers about the new streamlined workflow that enables scientists to quickly obtain publication-ready results from IF/IHC processed tissue sections. TissueGnostics tissue cytometry-based technology permits the automated scanning of tissue sections, (thereby creating a virtual slide), contextual analysis-based quantification of stained cells/structures and raw data mining. The data obtained can be opened in De Novo Software’s FCS Express Image Cytometry software, which allows scientists to create publication ready charts, visualizations, and displays coupled with access to advanced statistics, high-dimensional data reduction tools, and machine learning algorithms such as t-SNE, UMAP, FlowSOM and more.

- Perform General Analysis and High Dimensional Analysis
- Incorporate Integrated Spreadsheets and Graphing
- Export Results Using Batch Processing

52 mins
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Seamlessly Integrated Compliant Flow Cytometry Workflows from Data Acquisition to Results

As a project moves from a research into a clinical phase, having instruments and software that are seamlessly integrated is critical to generating results that are compliant with regulatory agencies. MACSQuant® Flow Cytometry Analyzers and FCS Express™ data analysis and reporting tools are world renown for their abilities in the field of high quality flow cytometry data acquisition and data analysis. Join flow cytometry experts, Caleph B. Wilson from Miltenyi Biotec and Sean Burke from De Novo Software and learn how these two technologies synergize to automate and streamline flow analytics and enable a compliant data acquisition and analysis to meet regulatory requirements.

- Use Features in FCS Express to Meet CFR 21 Part 11 Compliance
- Establish User and Layout Level Security Permissions
- Utilize Electronic Signatures and View Layout History 

54 mins
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Advancing Scientific Discovery with FCS Express for Bio-Rad Data Sets

Optimizations in FCS Express for Bio-Rad ZE5 Cell Analyzer data, made possible by the new collaboration between De Novo Software and Bio-Rad, have made analyzing data from the ZE5 Cell Analyzer easier than ever before with new tools to designed to make analysis more efficient, higher throughput, all while giving users the ability to move from basic to advanced high dimensional data reduction with ease. In this presentation we discuss the workflow of moving from Bio-Rad’s ZE5 Cell Analyzer to final results in FCS Express. We cover creating analysis templates, working with pre-defined analysis workflows, and how to easily move into the world of higher dimensional data reduction algorithms in FCS Express without the need of R, scripting, or programming knowledge. Watch this exciting presentation to learn how to get most out of your Bio-Rad data sets in FCS Express.

- Build an Analysis in FCS Express
- Introduce Absolute Counts Using the Concentration Calculator
- Utilize Templates to Efficiently Analyze Data from Repeated Experiments

30 mins
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Batch Processing for Nexcelom Data in FCS Express 

Many Nexcelom customers may be surprised to know that FCS Express will allow you to quickly export results from the K2, CBA Vision, and Celigo instruments to PowerPoint, PDF, and Excel at the same time across many samples with a single click. In this webinar, we cover how to effectively use the Data List and Batch Processing for your Nexcelom derived data sets in FCS Express to accelerate the process the getting you results. Using Batch Processing in FCS Express is easy to do and will help eliminate bottlenecks in your analysis pipeline.

- Work with Nexcelom Data Files in FCS Express
- Develop an Analysis Strategy
- Utilize Batch Processing to Quickly Export Results

25 mins
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FACSDiva and Accuri Importers in FCS Express 7

Importers in FCS Express allow you to use your plots and gates from acquisition as a starting point for your analysis. Why waste effort recreating your work, when you can get a head start? This webinar will help you learn how to make the most out of importers for working with your data today.

- Import Acquisition Workspaces from Diva and Accuri
- Modify Plots, Gates, and Add Statistics
- Create Reports like Excel and PPT Using Batch Processing

20 mins
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Moving From High Quality Data to Publication Ready Results with BioRad ZE5 and FCS Express

Bio-Rad and De Novo Software have collaborated to provide a seamless transition from acquisition to results . In this webinar we discuss how to utilize Bio-Rad's ZE5 Cell Analyzer to easily acquire high quality data for all size labs, experiments, and projects. We then discuss how to seamlessly move from data to final results with FCS Express. Optimizations in FCS Express, made possible by the new collaboration with Bio-Rad, have made analyzing data from the ZE5 Cell Analyzer easier than ever before. Watch this webinar to gain further insights into flow cytometry data acquisition, to learn more about Bio-Rad's advanced cytometry systems, and to see how FCS Express can quickly turn your data into publication ready results.

- Develop Analysis Strategies in FCS Express
- Incorporate Spreadsheets and Charting Tools
- Use Templates and Batch Processing to Quickly Generate Results

53 mins
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Igniting New Insights with CyTOF XT and Fluidigm Data Analysis Mastery Class

Become familiar with Mass cytometry, which incorporates cytometry by time-of-flight (the basis for CyTOF® technology), is a powerful platform for high-dimensional single-cell analysis of the immune system. In this session we introduce the next generation of mass cytometer, CyTOF XT™, the most technologically advanced and affordable mass cytometer to date and the teams at Fluidigm and De Novo Software cover tips and training on how to cleanup data set to maximize data quality and how to perform High-Dimensional data reduction with FCS Express.

- Establish Clean-up gates for Mass Cytometry Data
- Utilize FCS Express Tools and Basic Functionality
- Incorporate High-Dimensional Data Analysis

1 hour 18 mins
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Focusing on flow cytometry quality, speed, and results with the Attune and FCS Express

Thermo Fisher Scientific and De Novo Software have recently announced a collaboration that helps Attune users easily move from acquisition to final, publication ready results, with FCS Express. In this webinar the team from Thermo Fisher Scientific discusses the unique capabilities of the Attune instrument as it relates to quality, speed, and ease of use to give researchers an understanding of acoustic focusing technology and how it improves their day to day cytometry work. The team from De Novo Software follows with an overview of FCS Express 7 Flow cytometry software (now provided with every Attune purchase) and how their flagship product allows Attune users to move from raw data to beautifully formatted, publication ready results, with ease and efficiency.

- Build an Analysis Strategy for Attune data
- Insert Spreadsheets to Incorporate Charting Tools
- Utilize Batch Processing to Create Reports in PPT, Excel, and more

59 mins
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Visualization and Analysis of High Parameter CyTOF Data with FCS Express in Record Time

The Helios™ mass cytometer, powered by CyTOF® technology, generates robust and high parameter data that is well suited for the integrated high dimensional visualization and analysis tools provided in FCS Express. In this webinar we discuss the exciting new partnership between Fluidigm and De Novo Software, explore the technology behind the Helios system and learn how FCS Express can turn your highly multiparametric mass cytometry data sets into high quality visualizations, insights and RESULTS.

- Utilize the Downloadable Free MDIPA Template for Analysis 
- View Multiple Pages Within a Layout and Incorporate Integrated Spreadsheets to Introduce Charts
- Work With High Dimensional Analysis Tools

48 mins
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Conventional and Spectral Flow Cytometry Panel Building and Data Analysis - FluoroFinder and FCS Express

De Novo Software™ has collaborated with FluoroFinder® to help bridge the gap from experiment design to data analysis for both conventional and spectral flow cytometry. Watch our joint webinar to learn how to match the powerful panel building tools of FluoroFinder with analysis of the final data in FCS Express for both standard and spectral acquisition instruments and data. An overview of panel design and antibody selection for both conventional and spectral flow cytometry will be covered by the expert team at FluoroFinder while example data sets from each panel selection will be analyzed from ground up in FCS Express by the team at De Novo Software. Learn about new tools and recent developments in flow cytometry that will simplify assay design and workflow. Speakers will explore the capabilities of cytometry data analysis software and tips for designing flow panels to produce stronger data.

- Build a New Layout from a Blank Layout
- Add Statistics to a Spreadsheet that Update in Real Time
- Perform Analysis on Spectral Flow Cytometry Data

1 hour 1 min
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New Full Spectrum Cytometry QC Data Analysis Tools in SpectroFlo 2.2 and FCS Express 7

Learn about new software tools from Cytek Biosciences and De Novo Software that can help you optimize your multicolor panels. In the first half of the webinar, you will learn how to use the Similarity Index in Cytek’s SpectroFlo v2.2 software release to QC your reference controls, and how to use the Complexity Index to compare different iterations of your multicolor panel. In the second half, learn about new tools and updates to FCS Express 7 that help support spectral data sets including spectral plots, new NxN plot functionality, multi-parameter overlays, and other novel visualization to help you move from raw data to final results quickly and efficiently.

- Incorporate Spectral Plots in Analysis Strategy
- View Data on NxN Plots
- Explore Multi-Parameter Overlays

54 mins
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Harnessing Full Spectrum Cytometry From Panel Design and Acquisition to Results/Data Exploration

The teams at Cytek Biosciences and De Novo Software are excited to guide you through workflows for realizing the full potential of Full Spectrum Profiling™(FSP™). The Full Spectrum Profiling technology onboard the Cytek® Aurora, Northern Lights, and Aurora CS systems gives researchers the ability to analyze more markers per cell. The Cytek team will share their high complexity panel design principles and tools to optimize the quality of your highly complex multicolor data. These same tools were used to design our optimized cFluor reagent kits, allowing researchers to generate high-quality full-spectrum multicolor data quickly, and can be applied to expand into more complex panels. The team at De Novo Software will then walk researchers through analysis workflows in FCS Express for Cytek Aurora data sets. We will start with a 14-color panel built from Cytek's cFluor reagents, offered as a pre-built and pre-optimized kit, and end with a 35-color COVID panel. Panel analysis design / utilization will be discussed and how it can be implemented as the backbone to efficiently move from a standard analysis into high dimensional data reduction using tools like tSNE, uMAP, FlowSOM and more that are readily available, and natively integrated via “pipelines” in FCS Express. Watch this webinar if you are interested in expanding your analysis to higher numbers of markers and learning about tools to make acquisition and analysis of higher dimensional data sets faster and easier.

- Utilize Downloadable Free 14 Color Pre-Built FCS Express Analysis Template
- Explore the Use of Parameter Heat Maps
- Incorporate High Dimensional Data Reduction Tools

51 mins
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