Clinical and Regulated

Watch all the videos within the first few days to get the most value from FCS Express!

Explore how to incorporate SOPs in your analysis for flow cytometry experiments in FCS Express.  Analyses are performed by different members of the same lab or at different sites can lead to inconsistencies in the way results are reported. Technical Standard Operating Procedures reduce variation between experiments, so why not use them for analysis as well? The Standard Operating Procedure tool in FCS Express helps ensure reproducible results every time by allowing you to implement a custom Standard Operating Procedure designed to your specifications that is accessed directly within the software while analysis is being performed. Here, we cover how to set up and use SOPs.

- Add an Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to Analysis Template
- Incorporate SOPs for Research, Quality, and Clinical Environments
- Launch an SOP and Advance Through Steps

1 hour 6 mins
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Quality Example (Full video)

Labs performing diagnostic or clinical flow assays need to ensure the quality of their patient results, but this can often be a tedious and time-consuming manual process. The Clinical Edition of FCS Express 7 includes many tools to enhance, streamline and automate quality checks throughout the entire process from analysis to report generation. This presentation provides an overview of some of the readily available tools to ensure reproducibility and quality results using FCS Express. We start off covering essential elements like tokens, alerts, statistical classifiers, authorization, and permission rules; build up to more complex examples of SOP controlled layouts, 21 CFR Part 11 features (security & logging), IQ/OQ validation procedures and finish with newer elements like integrated Levey Jennings plots.

- Verify the Proper Installation and Operation with IQ/OQ Validation
- Use SOPs as Training and Competency Tools for Analysts
- Incorporate Features of FCS Express for Quality Control

51 mins
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Ten Easy Steps for Getting Started

Following Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is essential in regulated environments and your software used for flow cytometry data analysis and reporting should not be an exception. FCS Express helps labs that need to ensure the quality and integrity of their analysis workflow by offering unique features made to satisfy CFR 21 Part 11 compliance, including security and logging/audit trails. FCS Express is designed to help provide uniformity and consistency for flow cytometry data analysis within your lab, across sites, and for your clients by working in a software environment where every action and permission can be controlled at the user and analysis template level. When reproducible results are key to your workflow for flow or image cytometry based analysis FCS Express should be your tool of choice. Make sure to watch this special webinar especially if you are working in GMP, Cell Therapy, and other lab environments where quality, consistency, and documentation is key.

- Use FCS Express to Meet CFR 21 Part 11 Compliance
- Access Logging/Audit Trails
- Incorporate Security Features

36 mins
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21 CFR Part 11 Features

View this webinar to learn all about the FCS Express Security System, with over 300 permissions, extensive reporting, electronic signatures, and more. FCS Express provides comprehensive functionality for your security and 21 CFR Part 11 requirements.

- Establish User and Layout Security
- Add and Insert Electronic Signatures 
- Review the Audit Trail

44 mins
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Visibility, Authorizations, and Locking in FCS Express 7

Explore the Visibility, Authorization, and Locking capabilities in FCS Express 7. With Visibility, learn how to hide or show objects, gates, quadrants, and markers. Allow or deny access to certain features with Authorizations and Locking. Or use custom expressions to control these features conditionally based on token values. Watch this webinar and learn how to get the most out of Visibility, Authorization, and Locking in FCS Express!

- Control Visibility of Objects, Plots, and/or Pages
- Enable or Disable Select or Edit Authorizations
- Lock Gates to Prevent Moving or Editing

31 mins
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FCS Express IVD

You will learn about new features and capabilities in FCS Express Clinical Edition that will enhance your data analysis.

- Export to an Integrated Spreadsheet within an FCS Express Layout
- Enable FCS Express to Remember Manually Set Scaling
- Implement System Level Audit Trails

55 mins
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Clinical Features of FCS Express

In this presentation, we will provide an overview of some of the readily available tools to ensure reproducibility and quality results using FCS Express. We will start off covering basic elements like tokens, alerts, statistical classifiers, authorization and permission rules; build up to more complex examples of SOP controlled layouts, 21 CFR Part 11 features (security & logging), IQ/OQ validation procedures and finish with newer elements like integrated Levey Jennings plots.

- Define Security Group Permissions
- Set Permissions for a Specific Layout
- Work with Electronic Signatures and Audit Trails

1 hour 1 mins
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What’s new in FCS Express 7 IVD for Clinical and Validated Laboratories

FCS Express 7.24.0024 is finally here and there are new enhancements for IVD! This webinar is specifically for clinical labs and anyone in a GxP/GmP validated space using FCS Express 7 IVD. We will show new features designed to help make your workflows easier and more efficient, including in-plot slider bars for axis scaling and a new Token Report tool. We will also provide overview of the new Quads as Gates feature and how to manage this change with your current layouts.

1 hour
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