Academic Pricing
De Novo Software is happy to offer special academic pricing for specific customers.
You are eligible for academic discount pricing if you are purchasing the software for use in a non-commercial setting, such as:
- a core laboratory facility or research lab directly associated with a college or university,
- a government facility,
- or a research lab within a hospital.
Please see our prices page for all pricing information.
Please contact us if you have questions about which price applies to you.
For information about purchasing FCS Express in a developing country, please click here.
Note: All the prices referenced are for non-commercial use. That means that the discount above does apply if you use the product in connection with any commercial activities, which includes (without limitation) use of the product in connection with any services that you provide to your clients or customers, regardless of the manner in which you are compensated by those clients or customers. For information about the usage of FCS Express in a commercial environment, please click here.