Why switch from FlowJo™ to FCS Express™?
All flow cytometry software packages include features for plotting, gating, and calculating basic statistics. When the team at De Novo Software observed researchers and scientists in both academic and commercial settings, it became obvious that the challenges they faced with data analysis were not in producing plots, gates, and statistics.
Instead, the real challenges were downstream activities of performing advanced calculations, advanced statistics, graphing, presenting, and reporting results.
If you are currently using FlowJo and are having trouble arriving at publication quality results, find it hard learning an unfamiliar software interface, find yourself constantly having to copy and paste tables and graphics to other software packages, then FCS Express might be just what you are looking for!
With FCS Express your analysis is your final result and is exportable in many formats at any resolution desired by the publisher.
FCS Express looks, feels, and works much like familiar Microsoft* Office software so with FCS Express, you are already almost an expert with the software before you even start.
In FCS Express spreadsheets and graphs are integrated and directly linked to your data and gates. Say goodbye to copy and paste!
Live updating, publication quality, final results are built into FCS Express 7

What our customers are saying...
“FCS express is a much better program than my good old go to Flow Jo. The support is amazing, as typically taken care of immediately, and honestly 24 hours is the typical. Flow Jo has great webinars, but FCS Express has a bunch of webinars as well, and again cannot beat the technical support. So glad I was put into a position where I needed to leave my traditional go to [FlowJo], as FCS express has won me over. Still new so may still have questions but love it so far.”
Karen F. Underwood, MS
Research Lead Specialist
University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Services
"The customer service, and the functionality of the software is by far the best I’ve seen. Unless forced to, I will never touch FlowJo again"
"FCS Express has revolutionized the way we think about data analysis. Not only are ALL the analysis tools available at your fingertips, the ability to work in a “Microsoft-like” environment makes the whole process intuitive and a great time savings. Our users have shared the same level of enthusiasm about our decision to switch to FCS Express for all our data analysis needs.”
Joanne Lannigan Ph.D.
Director, Flow Cytometry Core
University of Virginia
School of Medicine
"I am a big fan of FCS Express, it's the first tool I used to analyze flow data and I absolutely love it! Thank you for building that wonderful tool! It helped me get my Masters and also get 6 papers published”
Abhijith Segu SCYM(ASCP)
Senior Research Associate
"You guys have the best customer service of ANY product I own."
David Grier
Wake Forest School of Medicine
"We have been offering FCS Express to our shared resource lab users since 2017. Thanks to the excellent support provided by De Novo Software, we have had a steady increase in users adopting this platform. De Novo Software is ready with classes, phone and online support and fits in well with the research services environment. Our users particularly like the user friendly interface!"
Jonni S. Moore Ph.D.
Professor and Faculty Director
Abramson Cancer Center Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Shared Resource
Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania
If you are not using FCS Express stop and ask yourself how much time do you spend:
Copy and pasting from your data analysis software to Excel*, Prism‡, and other spreadsheet or graphing tools?
Have you ever created a chart in Excel and then needed to slightly move a gate resulting in an entire copy and paste of the flow cytometry data sets back to Excel?
Tweaking the formatting of flow cytometry graphs, plots, and axis to make them presentation ready?
Have you ever had to put a white text box over an axis label to simply present a graph?
Fighting with low resolution graphics just to achieve the requirements of your publisher?
Have you ever had to use multiple graphic editing tools just to arrive at a publication ready figure?
If you are transitioning from FlowJo to FCS Express make sure and check out our short video describing the similarities and differences between both software packages to help you get a head start with your new analysis in FCS Express. Our short video provides guidance on some differences including:
- Data loading and management
- Gating
- Plot Visualizations
- Compensation
- General Analysis Workflows
If you are transitioning from FlowJo to FCS Express make sure and check out our short video in continuation of our series, Transitioning to FCS Express, we explore Compensation similarities and differences to FlowJo.
The FCS Express Difference
Other Flow Cytometry Software simply produces basic plots and statistics
With other software packages you only get basic plots and statistics which requires you to copy and paste to external software packages to create a final result. In some cases you may be using multiple external tools to generate spreadsheets, graphs, PowerPoint* presentations, figures for publication, and R† scripts before you arrive at a final result.
FCS Express is a fully integrated analysis, statistics, graphing and reporting tool for GETTING RESULTS
With FCS Express analysis IS YOUR FINAL RESULT!
FCS Express utilizes integrated spreadsheets so your graphs and statistics update as your gates change. All graphics are directly exported to PowerPoint in high resolution and you can even choose to export individual graphics at up to 700 DPI for the ultimate ease in moving from analysis to publication ready result.
Check out our Getting Started in FCS Express for Previous FlowJo users webinar below!
*PowerPoint and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation | †R is a trademark of the R Foundation | ‡Prism is a trademark of GraphPad Software, Inc. | FlowJo is a trademark of Flowjo, LLC