FCS Express Claim Instructions for Sysmex Partec
Sysmex is one of our valued partners. We are happy to provide you with a complimentary 5 year FCS Express 7 license from De Novo Software for your purchase of a Cube 6 V2m Flow Cytometer from Sysmex.
To begin, you must register this copy of FCS Express to your De Novo Software account.
Please follow the instructions below using the information from your FCS Express claims packet provided with your instrument.
1. Go to My Account.
2. If you do not have a De Novo Software account, proceed to Step #2a to create a De Novo Software account. If you do have a De Novo Software account, proceed to Step #2c.
a. To create your De Novo Software account, click here.
b Press the Create My Account button when you are done. Once you create and confirm your account, you will be able to log in.
c. Log into your account by entering your e-mail address and password and press the Login button and continue to Step #3.
3. Once you are logged in, select Use Claim Code from the My Account options on the right.
4. Enter your claim code into the edit field on the page and press the Use Claim Code button. The claim code can be found within the packet that came with your instrument purchase. If you have lost this packet, please contact us at sales@denovosoftware.com.
5. You will then be asked to confirm the products you are claiming.
a. If the information is correct, press the Confirm button.
b. If they are not correct, please contact sales@denovosoftware.com and refer to your order number.
6. A dialog will appear confirming your claim was successful.
Congratulations! You may now download and install FCS Express via our instructions.
To get started using FCS Express, many resources can be found on the Customer Resources page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, periodic internet access is required.
A physical dongle is a small device that plugs into a USB port on your computer. The USB dongle needs to communicate with the internet during initial set up to confirm the validity of the license and to be activated.
After activation, FCS Express can be used with the dongle on any computer, whether or not that computer is connected to the internet. However, with each use of FCS Express with a dongle, FCS Express will authenticate the dongle by trying to connect to De Novo Software servers to determine if the dongle is still valid and has not been deactivated. Periodic checks mean if a USB dongle is lost or stolen it can be remotely deactivated and reissued for a small fee as opposed to having to pay the full cost of a replacement license.
If the workstation is disconnected from the internet, the user can still use FCS Express with the dongle. FCS Express will keep track of the attempts in which FCS Express is launched and cannot connect to our servers. After reaching a pre-determined number of failed attempts to connect to our servers, you will not be able to use FCS Express, even if the dongle is plugged into the USB port. At this point, the dongle must be plugged into a USB port and FCS Express must be launched on a computer that is connected to the internet.
To periodically validate you dongle on another computer connected to the internet, please follow our installation instructions on any computer that is connected to the internet, run FCS Express one time on that computer with the dongle plugged in. You may then return to your "offline" computer and use FCS Express until another check may be needed.
The dongle licensing option allows the use of FCS Express on multiple computers. The dongle will need to be plugged into the computer being used for analysis. The number of USB Dongle licenses ordered will determine the number of users that can analyze data in FCS Express at the same time.